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The class for the evening were over. Wad didn't attend the last class which worried his friends. As their teacher left the class, 3rd year hazing team members entered their class and ordered them to follow them to ground. Kongpop, Rome and Tew with other students followed their seniors to the ground.

On reaching the ground they found the seniors waiting for them. They formed the line and waited for their seniors to start the hazing activity when Wad lazily came towards them.

"Why are you late? " Prem asked on seeing Wad who didn't answer him and looks towards Arthit.

"Sorry for being late P, I need to go outside school for some work and also I'm sorry about what happened at cafeteria that day" Wad said to Arthit who was stunned by Wad's apology.

"It's fine, go join your friend" Arthit ordered Wad. Bright moved closer to Aawn and Toota and whispers.

"Curtain hair boy said sorry to Arthit, next is he going to confess his undying love to Prem?"

"He looks so handsome! Only if he was Seme, I might have seduced him" Toota whispers back eyeing Wad like piece of meet.

"Ew! P! Stop undressing him with your eyes!" Aawn shouted Toota.

"Damn! You're so horny! Get laid dude!" Bright told Toota

"Give me a boy and I will!" Toota replied back.

"You both are gross! I'm telling P'Athrit about this!" Aawn threatened Toota and Bright.

"Shut up Arthit junior!" Bright said to Aawn while pinching his waist.

"Arthit's junior is sooo big" Toota commented looking Aawn from up and down.

"Hey! Pervert Toota I didn't mean it in that way!! Tell him Aawn!" Bright shouted at Toota while hitting Aawn's head.

"Och! P! That hurts" Aawn said while rubbing his head.

"Stop complaining all the time! Grow up kid!" Bright said again hitting Aawn.

"What's going on here?" Arthit asked as he came near to the trio.

"P'Bright is bullying me! He hitted me on head Twice! P!!" Aawn said making sad teary eyes face. Arthit gently rubs Aawn's head and glares Bright.

"Bright are you out of your mind? Why did you hit him!" Arthit asked Bright whose face became pale as ghost.

"I.. I just hit him for fun haha" Bright said trying to laugh.

"Aawn bring me that rod, I will hit this person and see it's really fun or not!"

"Arthit! You gonna hurt your super best friend just because of this shrimp?" Bright asked dramatically.

"Yes" Arthit replied.

"Should I bring the rod P?" Aawn asked excitedly.

"What! No! Sorry Arthit I won't do that again! Please forgive me" Bright begged Arthit.

"You better don't repeat it Bright or I will personally walk you to hell and deposit you there!!" Arthit returned back to guide the 1st year leaving smirking Aawn, amused Toota and scared Bright alone.

"You heard that P! Don't mess with again" Aawn told Bright and went to join Arthit and others.

"He is really bitch just like Arthit! I gonna ask P'Deer if he is sure that Aawn is his younger brother not Arthit's long lost younger brother" Bright said staring and Arthit and Aawn who were talking about something.

"Do whatever you wish but don't involve me! I don't want to die by Arthit's hand!" Toota while shivering at idea of Bright doing something stupid and Arthit coming to kill him.

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