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Tew was troubled, his friends are successfully making moves on their lovers while he still has not make any progress. Tew didn't know what to do, his mind was blank. He pick up random book from his dorm and decided to visit Knot.

When he arrived at Knot's dorm, he found it unlock. Tew entered the dorm and saw Knot doing push up. Tew admires Knot's body but then remembered the reason why he came .

"Sorry to disturb you P but the door was open.. " Tew spoke to gain Knot's attention. Knot stop doing push up and looks towards Tew.

"Tew come in... Did you need any help?" Knot ask seeing Tew carrying book. Tew entered inside and nods.

"I was hoping P will help me in my studies" Tew said as he Sat on the bed.

"Let me take quick shower and then I will help you alright?" Knot told Tew and entered the bathroom.

Tew lays on the bed and stares the ceiling while thinking about the plan to make Knot fall for him.

"Should I let thing progress with time? Or I should trying seducing P.. But then P won't be in love with me" Tew whispers.

Knot came out of bathroom well dressed after fifteen minutes and found Tew in deep thoughts.

"What are you thinking Tew?" Knot asked as he arranged his table.

"Hm.. Nothing P.. Let's start the study session"

Arthit was rolling in his bed as he has nothing to do. He was still blushing thinking about Bright calling Kongpop his husband.

He jumps of the bed and went into balcony to distract himself but then he saw Kongpop his own balcony smoking. Arthit didn't know that their balcony where face to face or that Kongpop smokes.

"Kongpop 0062! Stop smoking!!" Arthit shouted from his balcony in anger. Kongpop drop the cigarette being startled and looks at Arthit in surprise.

Arthit went back to his room and change his shirt. He locked his dorm and went towards Kongpop's dorm. Arthit furiously knocked Kongpop's door and waited for him to open it.

As soon as Kongpop open the door, Arthit pushed him aside and enter inside. He started looking for the cigeratee packet in Kongpop's dorm

"What are you looking for Arthit?" Kongpop asked in confusion as he saw Arthit destroying his room.

"Where is the cigarette packet?" Arthit asked after searching everywhere.


"Tell me!" Arthit order Kongpop. Kongpop handed Arthit cigarettes packet and looks in horror as Arthit went into balcony to throw the packet. Kongpop held Arthit's hand and stops him

"What are you doing?" Kongpop asked trying to take the packet away from Arthit.

"I'm throwing away this cancer stick!" Arthit replied.

"No you can't!" Kongpop replied.

"What so great about smoking huh?" Arthit ask in annoyance.

"You won't understand P!" Kongpop said as he looks in other direction. Kongpop smell the smoke from the cigarette stick and turns to see Arthit liting the cigarette stick.

"What are you doing?" Kongpop asked into confusion when saw Arthit bringing the litten up cigarette stick closer to his mouth. Kongpop took the stick from Arthit's hand and glares him.

"I want to try it! I want to what is so great about it!" Arthit said trying to get cigarette from Kongpop's hand.

"ARTHIT! IT'S NOT GOOD FOR HEALTH" Kongpop shouted and threw the cigarette away, luckily it didn't fall on anyone.

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