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Small announcement, I changed my penname again... And this time its final.. (hopefully) 😅😅😅 Enjoy the Update!


At Knot's dorm

"P'Knot... Please don't tell anyone about it... If someone comes to know about it, we will be in the big problem" Tew said in fear as he imagines others reaction if they come to know about them being from the future.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone but I want you not to tell your friends about knowing everything too"

"Why Phee?" Tew was confused by the Knot's request.

"If your friends come to know that I know you all are from future, they might feel awkward around me and I don't want to explain the whole group why you guys are suddenly behaving weirder than usual" Knot explains.

"Aah! Ok Phee!" Tew chuckles and promise. He noticed Knot staring him and blushes.

"Don't fall for me just because you know that  I'm your husband in future" Tew spoke hotly. Knot sighs and then hit Tew on his head.

"Oww! Why did you hit me Phee??" Tew asked in pain and rubs the spot was Knot hit him.

"Don't thing so high of yourself !" Knot scolded Tew.

"Well Phee.. Who knows what might happen in future?"

At Arthit's dorm

Arthit was busy packing when his phone started ringing, he ignores the call and continued packing. Sometimes later, the door was knocked.

Arthit decided not to open the door but the person behind the door became impatient and started banging the door. Arthit sighs in irritation and went to open the door.

"Prem, why are you here so early in the morning?" Prem didn't reply to Arthit and directly went to bed and lays down.

"What happened between you and 0062?"

"What the hell?? Does the whole college already know that he rejected me?" Arthit asked in shock.

"Wait. Wait. What? Rejected? You proposed to him?" Prem asked in disbelief.

"It's none of your business" Arthit replied and went back to packing.

"It is my business! Because of you and 0062 Wad left me with a boner! I had a cold shower!" Prem shouts in frustration.

"Oi! You don't have to tell me that, plus That was passed! I don't want to talk about it"

"Where are you going?" Prem asked in confusion as he watches Arthit finish packing.

"Chiang Mai"

"So you are running away because of rejection?" Prem asked in disappointment.

"I'm not running. I just need time to think where I went wrong" Arthit replied as he lay beside Prem.

"You know why he rejected you?" Prem asked.

"No.. But I want to know... I didn't like it when he left me alone there at the bridge... It felt like things were not supposed to end like that.."

"Well. Then find out the answers soon before it's too late.."


"So Who's going to top?"

The next morning, Tew woke up early and got ready for breakfast. As he went towards the cafeteria, he was pulled in the corner by angry Wad and Rome.

"Where the fuck was you last night?" Rome asked in anger.

"We were waiting outside Kong's dorm! Neither you came nor he opened the door even when we shouted for hours!" Wad shouted in frustration.

"Ah. I had an emergency, so I couldn't come?" Tew spoke feeling scared of two angry boys around him.

"What emergency? Your period started or you went into labour??" Rome screamed.

"Oow! That was rude! I got some personal emergency" Tew replied.

"There's nothing personal among us unless and until its about sex and that also I especially want all information about... So fuck your personal emergency and tell us" Rome threatens Tew.

"I... P'Knot had diarrhoea attack so I need to go to the hospital to buy him medicine" Tew makes excuse.

"Oh! That's not personal. It's normal? What to say about it?" Wad asked in wonder.

"Well, it's related to my husband... A good wife will never let others know about their Husband's trouble"

"And if the good wife doesn't shut up. His best friend will slap him" Rome asked showing his palm to Tew.

"No violence please" Tew shouts as he covers his face.

"Forget about all this nonsense! Where's Kong?? We still haven't seen him since last night" Wad asked in worry as he was closest to Kong among the group and he has never seen kongpop so lost.

"I don't know... Wait I call him" Rome said as he took out his phone and dialled Kongpop's number.

"Hello.," Kongpop spoke in cold body chilling voice.

"Hello? This is kongpop speaking?" Rome asked in confusion.

"Whom did you called Rome?" Kongpop asked in annoyance.

"Well, I called my best friend Kongpop but some human iceberg answered the call"

"Rome... I'm not in the mood of a joke" Kongpop replied feeling tired because of conversation.

"Well! Excuse me for not being funny enough! Freaking where are you? You have any idea how worried we all are??" Rome shouted.

"I'm. Sorry, I should have informed you before leaving.."

"Leaving! OMG! YOU'RE QUITTING THE COLLEGE??? WHY??? NOO!" Roem screamed making Wad and Tew look at him in confusion and panic.

"Rome! Stop behaving like P'Bright... I'm going somewhere for a while... Will be back after a couple of days" Kong replied as he pinched in the nose.

"Where are you going??"

"Chaing Mai"

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Next update in 10 hours.

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