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"Izuku, welcome"

Midoriya was led towards a fairly large table and the officers helped him find his way to the empty chair in the middle.

"in front of you are some temporary contacts our support student made, they work almost like the ones you had"

Izuku muttered a thanks and grabbed the small contact case in front of him and carefully put them on. He winced at the feeling of the contacts adjusting to his eyes. In a few blinks, red and yellow versions of the people at the table filled his vision.

"now that everyone is ready, let's begin shall we?"

Izuku glanced at the person talking and was left confused as to what it was.

An oversized mouse? a tiny bear? Maybe a dog?

"Midoriya Izuku, what an interesting case" the person continued, shuffling through the papers in hand. "one of the attackers from the USJ incident. Also, a kid that had gone missing twelve years ago"

Midoriya fidgeted in his seat, mentioning what had happened before he joined the league of villains was something he tried to avoid.

" your mother was found dead on the scene and you were nowhere to be found, what happened on that day?" The animal asked

Midoriya stayed quiet for a few seconds clearly not wanting to answer the question. "I can't remember"

There was a grunt of annoyance from one of the people, which bothered Izuku.

"can you remember who killed your mother?" he asked almost immediately after.

"I did. Possibly. I was told that I had caused the death of my mother, but was never fully told what happened" Izuku responded. Midoriya hated their questions and the fact that he couldn't answer them right, but now wasn't the time to let his emotions get the best of him.

"and who told you this?" The animal questioned.

"Sensei, my master" Izuku quickly answered.

There was a silence as eyed started at him "did your master keep you away for those twelve years?"

Midoriya couldn't stand to look at the people as he nodded "he had kept me hidden until I was thirteen before handing me off to his soon to be successor"

"did you willingly go to the new person?" a different person has asked.

Izuku glanced out and met eyes with an unhealthy thin man who looked like nothing more than skin and bones. "I-" Izuku paused. He wasn't sure how to answer, a normal person would risk their lives to escape from people who tortured them, so why didn't he? The chances of death shouldn't have stopped him from trying.

"yes, I joined willingly" he lied

"interesting, and Recovery Girl said you were covered in cuts, where did you get them from?"

"I got them while fighting, no one wins a fight unscathed" that wasn't a full lie, some of the scars were from fights, but not with normal people. The only thing that could hurt him was the other nomus that were made much stronger than him and the scientists that tested on him.

"you're lying" the animal instantly replied causing Izuku to flinch.

"witnesses said you moved faster than a normal human and managed to predict a person's next move. We also had a few other examine your cuts, and almost all of them were too perfect to have gotten from a fight. And there were multiple needle marks mainly around your arms and neck near your collar which we will discuss another time. So tell us how you really got them"

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