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Izuku always hated police stations.

He had never actually been in one before now, but all the stories he's heard from other villains were never good. That combined with his criminal record, Izuku could only imagine that ending up in a police station would be the second worst place for him to be.

Now, after three shots of quirk suppressants, two cuffs on his wrist and two hours of being yelled at in an interrogation room confirmed everything he thought a police station would be like.

A hand slammed on the table in front of him snapping him out of his thoughts. The officer in front of Izuku a comical shade of red as he glared daggers at him.

"You know where the League is hiding. You know their plans. You can easily prevent the deaths of more people but you refuse to cooperate with us" he growled.

Izuku stared at the man with a bored expression barely paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. He wasn't going to expose the League. He knew better than to think telling the police anything would stop Shigaraki. All for One may be in jail but Tomura is smart enough on his own even if he does act like an overgrown child most of the time.

"Stop spacing out on us!" The guy shoved the table in between them hard enough to bump into the boy's chest, but not hard enough to make him fall over. "Overhaul is dead. The League wanted something from him and you know what it is.

Finding out Overhaul was killed on his way to the police station was a pleasant surprise. No doubt Shigaraki got to him. Maybe he was upset Overhaul couldn't up hold his end of the deal anymore, or maybe Shigaraki was upset Overhaul had let him escape back to the heroes again.

"Well, not with the heroes per say, but escaping is escaping no matter who I end up with." he mumbled under his breath.

Spilling all the League's secrets would be guaranteed death, but not saying anything would probably get him killed as well. Izuku was tired of making big decisions for him and Midoriya.

Suddenly, the door to the interrogation room swung open. A new guy looked who way too normal for Izuku's liking walked in carrying two large binders. There was no way this guy was a police officer.

"You may leave now, officer" the new guy had an aura of authority to him that made Izuku scowl as he walked to the table.

The officer looked relived as he hurriedly walked out of the room, probably glad to hand him over to someone else.

The new guy placed the two large binders on the table. He watched Izuku examine the binders for a second before sitting down across from him.

"Izuku Midoriya. I've heard many things about you. Body guard for the League, student of UA, then was kidnapped by the league alongside one of your classmates."

Izuku focused on the man in front of him. He was the first person here who didn't assume he willingly left with the League. This man was definitely not a police officer.

"I wasn't kidnapped." Izuku huffed, crossing his arms.

The man gave Izuku a funny look before sighing. "I've been told you hadn't spoken since you got here. I was hoping I would be able to explain my quirk to you first."

Izuku raised one brow and and tilted his head.he stayed quiet to let the man explain himself.

Taking the sign, the man continued, "I am Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. My quirk is lie detector. It is not one I can turn off meaning everything you say will go through my quirk."

Izuku scoffed finally realizing why the man gave him that look earlier. Lie detector sounds like a really useful quirk. "I wonder if it can detect all lies or just the ones that the speaker knows are lies"

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