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Apologies to the new readers who didn't know that I have a habit of completely disappearing with no warning ('▽`;).

And apologies to the older readers for dipping ob y'all again lol. At least I wasn't gone for a year again ('';)

The second Midoriya closed his room door behind him, the exhaustion had made itself known by weighing on his limbs. He was hesitant to sleep, worried that if he closed his eyes he would wake up missing days of his life with no memory again. He knew that he was in a safe place and Aizawa wouldn't let Izuku do that to him again but deep down there was still that lingering fear.

He felt bad for being worried. Especially since Aizawa had told him Izuku had apologized and said he'd be inactive anyway. Yet, no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he would be fine, Midoriya couldn't find the strength to lie on his bed.

He tried to keep himself awake by pacing the room or writing in a notebook. It had worked for a couple of hours but eventually he succumbed to the exhaustion and fell asleep at his desk instead.

He wasn't asleep for long before he startled awake by a nightmare. Leaving him fighting back tears as he tried to recover from whatever had him shaken up. He was used to having Izuku's presence as a source of comfort after his nightmares, and not knowing if he was still there only made him feel worse.

A small part of him worried that Izuku had disappeared for good. For the first time since he was four, Midoriya truly felt alone.

Before Midoriya could work himself into a spiral, someone knocked on his door. He mentally kicked himself for waking up his teacher. He forgot the man had his room next door and had probably heard him crying.

A second knock made Midoriya sigh in defeat. He stood up from his chair and made his way to the room door. Taking a deep breath, Midoriya opened the door.

"Mr. Aizawa I'm sorry for waking you..." he trailed off as he stared at the person in front of him.

Instead of his teacher, Shinso stood in front of him with an arm raised to knock again.

"Shinso?" Midoriya questioned.

"I'm uh- I'm in the room next to yours," Shinso said as if that would explain why he was there.

Midoriya only tilted his head in confusion, he glanced at the pillows and blankets in the boy's arms before looking back up at him. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I was already awake, I've been having a few nightmares lately. I heard you scream and then you started crying and I got worried.."

Midoriya watched as the boy started rambling in an attempt to explain himself. He looked embarrassed which only made Midoriya more confused. The boy was usually snarky and rude to him so seeing him like this was unexpected.

"I'm sorry," Midoriya found himself saying, "I didn't realize how loud I was. I'll try to be quieter next time."

Shinso quickly shook his head, "No! That's not- I just-" Shinso shut his eyes and took a deep breath as he tried to get his thoughts together.

"During our internship together you also had a nightmare. While I was out training with Mr. Aizawa" Shinso recalled.

Midoriya nodded. He wasn't sure what the boy was getting at, nightmares were a common occurrence for people.

"But uh, when you were sleeping on the way to summer camp, you never got a nightmare," Shinso somehow got redder as he kept talking, "and when I had...hugged you during our internship, you didn't get a nightmare then either."

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