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"I know the bastard, and I know he wouldn't do something like this because he wanted to"


Midoriya squinted his eyes open slightly. Darkness. His contacts must've been fried in the stunt he pulled.

The others must've noticed because there was a tense silence.

"Is he awake?" Bakugo asked. The sound of stress-filled footsteps came closer to where he was, stopping right next to him.

"right now he's unstable, he's been slipping in and out of consciousness all day" a new voice replied, "he'll go back to sleep in a little" they added.

Izuku weakly smiled in amusement as he felt himself slipping right as the person said that.


"Please...I-I don't want to do this"

Blood. There was so much blood. Midoriya looked at All for One with terror and then at the half-alive person in front of him.

" This is a test to see if you're ready to go to Shigaraki" All for One spoke "Izuku, kill him"

As if a switch had been flipped in his head, Izuku stared at the guy with a dulled over expression and clutched the knife in his hand.

The guy glanced up at him with unfocused fear and began to shake a little.

Izuku quickly straddled the guy and raised the knife above his head, piercing it through the person's skull.

Messy tears started to fall onto the corpse, but Izuku couldn't stop himself as he kept repeating the action until he could no longer hear the man's breathing nor feel his heartbeat.

"good job" the man praised clapping his hands "you did the work" All for One watched as Izuku dropped the knife and tried to wipe away the overflowing tears only to break down on the floor next to the body. "but it still looks like we have a few things to work on. Take him away"

Midoriya came back to his senses as two scientists grabbed this arms and started dragging him away from the area.

"No! Don't take me back!" he begged struggling against their grips "I'll do it again, I'll try harder to control myself! Please don't take me back!" he sobbed.



Izuku gasped and started kicking and punching the air as if he was fighting someone.

Izuku slowly calmed down and felt the area around him. Something held his wrist causing him to jump and slap his free hand onto it.

Handcuffs. Quirk nullifying ones at that.

He sighed and leaned back into what he guessed was a hospital bed. He had been caught by the heroes and will most likely go to jail for teaming with the villains.

"Great, this is just what I need" he sighed draping an arm across his face.

"they left me..."


Bakugo carefully opened the door to Recovery Girl's office and peeked inside. He let out a sigh of relief once he noticed that the hero was most likely getting lunch, and the police and heroes have finally left Izuku alone.

Bakugo quietly made his way to the hospital bed glancing at the boy laying in it.

"what are you doing here?"

Bakugo jumped and took a few steps back as dull eyes met his. then did he really get to look at how scarred Deku was.

Small cuts and bruises littered his face, most likely from the USJ fight, but there was a big scar across his left eye. It didn't look new, but it still looked like it stung.

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