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Short chapter so sorry everyone :(


The ride to UA felt a lot longer than it actually was. Midoriya sat in the back of the car fidgeting as he mentally went over everything he's been told.

The last thing he remembered before the Hisakai raid was stabbing Bakugo which meant there was a big gap in his memory. He's been told that there was a big battle between All for One and Allmight. Apparently, during the battle a few of his classmates had snuck into the battlefield to save him and Bakugo. None of the heroes know exactly what happened between them, but Midoriya could only assume he had done something bad for them to leave with only Kacchan.

"Sensei's actually in jail?" he whispered from the backseat.

Aizawa glanced at the boy through his rearview mirror. "in jail with the highest security in Japan. Cameras watch him all day every day and the best heroes are on standby at all times."

Midoriya wasn't reassured but didn't bring up his doubts to his teacher. Instead, he tried to imagine how the class would react to seeing him again. He was hoping for a positive welcome, but he knew better than to get his hopes up. He'd gone back to the league and hurt his classmates.

He had proved to them that he would always be a villain.

"I can hear you thinking." Aizawa glanced at him through the rearview mirror. "your classmates missed you, especially Kaminari and Mina." he assured the boy.

Midoriya gave Aizawa a strained smile and a nod. He wanted to believe his teacher but he couldn't imagine why his classmates would forgive him so easily.

"Uraraka and Tsuyu," Midoriya paused trying to find the right words. "are they...Alright? Uh- with um- Overhaul. My memory is still spotty, but they uh- I saw them with Overhaul. Did Izuku do that? Did- did they see me do that?" Midoriya took a deep breath trying to calm himself down enough to make a comprehensible sentence.

"They're both getting help with what they saw," Aizawa started slowly, "They haven't spoken to me personally about what happened after that day, but Uraraka has been asking about your safety. As for what happened to Overhaul." his teacher took a deep breath making Midoriya nervous. "Izuku did cause major bodily harm to him. That doesn't mean you killed him, the League would've done that no matter how injured he was."

Midoriya already knew that. He knew that Izuku had badly injured Overhaul leaving him as easy prey for the League. Yet, hearing it be confirmed made him feel worse about everything.

He spent the rest of the drive worrying about how his class would react. He hadn't realized that they arrived at the school until the door opened next to him.

"We're here" Aizawa opened the door revealing the tall dorm building.

The boy marveled at the size as he got out of the vehicle. For a moment, he was more focused on the building than his worries about the students inside. The UA symbol covered in gold stood proudly at the top of the building. '1-A' is painted on the sides and front of the building right under the large school logo.

"It's bigger than I thought" Midoriya closed the car door behind him. He stood off to the side while Aizawa grabbed his items out of the car.

"Are you ready?" Aizawa asked standing next to him.

Midoriya glanced over at the binders in his hand and the small backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. He took a deep breath before nodding.

There was a moment of silence as they stayed in the same spot, neither moving closer to the doors. Aizawa was the first to fold, hiding his laugh behind a fake cough.

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