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Izuku could almost say he felt bad for his classmates. Almost. Everyone was saying their complaints about how it was too early to be training. Izuku snorted and turned to the remedial class who were practically dead on their feet, Aizawa had to use his scarf to keep Kirishima from falling on his face.

Just like his classmates, Izuku also had complaints about remedial classes, but it wasn't about how late they had to stay up learning about battle strategies and quirk uses. Izuku disliked the remedial classes because Aizawa had come to retrieve him while he was in the hot springs just to learn about battle strategies and quirk uses.

Izuku sighed and popped his neck before heading over to where Shinsou was adjusting his mask.

"Looks like it's my turn with the all mighty Izuku." Shinso teased.

"It's Akanti to you." Izuku snapped, but there was no bite behind it. His and Shinsou's relationship was...weird. Hitoshi was more docile and tolerant around Midoriya, while also trying to push all of Izuku's buttons. Then the was the fact that Shinsou could not keep a secret for the life of him.

Shinso rolled his eyes and lowered his hands from the voice changer, "ok, so Mr. Aizawa wants me to learn how to brainwash you and Midoriya at the same time, or at least try to prevent you from fronting while brainwashed."

Izuku nodded, "Not all your opponents will be sane enough to completely brainwash in one go, and I'm not the only one in the world with DID," he stretched his arms over his head.

"DID? Is that what it's called?" Shinsou tilted his head, "what does it stand for?"

Izuku raised a brow and gave Shinso a knowing smirk before replying to him, "Dissociative- "

He's getting better, this time I had way less struggle time than before. Izuku thought as Shinso started making him do useless things to make sure he was under the quirk's influence.

After a few seconds of nothing from Midoriya, Shinso walked to Izuku and waved a hand in front of the freckled boy, "hello? Don't tell me I got both of you on the first try" Shinso smirked.

Once it was clear Shinso had let his guard down, Midoriya moved and punched Shinsou's throat in the blink of an eye. Midoriya stood triumphantly over Shinso's coughing body.

"Never let your guard down even if you think your enemy is subdued by your quirk" Midoriya stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at the now recovering teen.

Shinso rolled his eyes and rubbed his throat one last time before glaring at Midoriya. "Yea yea you got me, let's try this again"

Midoriya straightened himself up, "Don't wor-"

Oh. I forgot he could do that. Midoriya mentally facepalmed as he felt all control slip from him. Being brainwashed almost felt the same as switching with Izuku, but at the same time, he was still in control. That was why it always took a few seconds to switch which under Shinsou's quirk.

Except, there was no switch after a few seconds. Midoriya could see Shinso waving a hand in front of his face while also keeping his distance.



Midoriya jumped and spun around to the voice. In front of him sat a visibly disappointed teen around his age. Red eyes that could rival Kacchan's watched him with mild curiosity and back hair fell over one eye.

Midoriya warily looked the stranger up and down until realization hit him. "Holy shit" Midoriya gasped before slapping a hand over his mouth. Of all the years they had known each other, Midoriya had never actually seen Akanti before since one of them was always fronted.

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