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Midoriya ran down the hallway with wide eyes as footsteps followed behind him.

"Where are you going, Midoriya?" a voice sang from behind him.

Midoriya glanced at the person behind him before darting into a different hallway.

"There's no point in running!" a higher voice shouted from his right. Midoriya yelped as he barely dodged the person jumping to catch him. His shoes slipped from under him making him fall. The two stared at each other, wide eyes green eyes meeting excited yellow ones, for a few seconds before Midoriya quickly picked himself up and jumped over the boy and continued running down the school hallway.

I just have to make it to class, Kacchan will deal with them for me.

Footsteps echoed behind him and Midoriya fought back tears as they reminded him of his failed escape attempts back at the lab. He shook his head and tried to focus in the hall ahead of him. It's not danger, it's not danger, it's not danger.

Maybe I should stop this before it goes too far.

Unfortunately for him, he couldn't get himself to stop running, his body was already in escape mode so he had no choice but to find a way to reach Bakugo instead. Midoriya took a sharp turn down another hall listening in satisfaction of shoes sliding on tile and people falling over each other. He sprinted down the hallway frantically once the classroom came into view.



Izuku immediately came to and used the momentum of being picked up to throw his captor onto his back forcing them to release him. He dropped to his knees and straddled the person forcing their head up with one hand, and covering their neck with his other, his face lowered dangerously close to his hand and morphed into a snarl.

"Whoa, calm down Midobro"

Izuku's eyes shot up to the three people approaching them.

"Sorry! I should've known better than to grab you like that" Mina apologized as best as she could under him. A small bead of sweat slipped down the side of her head as she forced a smile to him.

Izuku blinked once, then twice, before shaking his head and getting off of Mina.

Kaminari raised up a few brushes and a weird tube of liquid "if you didn't want makeup on you that bad you could've just told us, we thought you were just Playing around."

Izuku shook his head "no, that was on me" he forced a laugh scratching at his wrist, "guess I forgot I was at UA and not with the others."

The group glanced at each other sharing worried looks. Kaminari tilted his head "so...No makeup?"

Izuku looked at the weird liquid and frowned. "what's makeup?"

Kaminari and Mina both gasped "you don't know makeup?" Mina shook her head "now you have no choice, sit down and let us do our thing."

Izuku looked around him "we'1re in a hallway?"

"And?" Sero asked with a smug look, "class doesn't start for a good while, and not many students are here right now."

The others nodded while Kirishima gave him a sorry look "there's no stopping them."

Izuku sighed and sat down in the middle of the hall eyeing the stuff they had.

"Hey, Midoriya, I've been wondering... What are the numbers on your neck?" Mina questioned as she put a brush in some sort of powder and wiped it on his face.

Izuku froze "oh um- it's- "

"Yeah me too, I didn't see any other members with numbers on them" Sero pipped up signaling Midoriya to close his eyes to draw on them with a thin black brush.

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