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Welcome back to our once-in-a-blue-moon update for this book and merry *checks notes* New Year's :D


The faster Izuku took down Overhaul, the faster Eri would be able to go back to the heroes. He was done stalling for time and he was done holding back and making an even playing field.

Overhaul barely dodged the initial attack by a hair's length. The villain used that as an opportunity to slam his hands down on the floor making a giant wall to block him from Izuku.

The boy gritted his teeth as the room started changing and moving to make the space bigger. It was only a couple of seconds before the wall broke down to reveal a bigger and scarier Overhaul.

"He can do that without trigger?" Izuku could only stare in fascinated horror as the man got used to his new body.

Overhaul slammed a hand on the roof making the whole room shake violently as the ground above them caved. Izuku could hear Eri cry out somewhere behind him along with Mirio shouting Aizawa's name. It all became background noise to him as he followed Overhaul to the outside world.

Above ground, heroes and police officers looked at the monster in shock. Izuku couldn't blame them, he looked like something out of a horror movie. A giant monster made of muscle with too many arms and hands to count, its ribs and spine exposed, the head of a bird, and in its mouth, Overhaul from the torso up.

"You look disgusting. You probably just gave me nightmare material" Izuku shouted.

Overhaul turned to Izuku and scoffed before swatting at the boy with one of his hands. Izuku activated his telekinesis and easily blocked the hand before it could touch him. Overhaul glared at Izuku as he tried to put more force into the attack but the boy didn't falter. With a flick of his wrist, the hand was thrown back sending the monster flying backwards.

"Get ready to experience what happens to people who hurt kids around me." Izuku grinned as he jumped on a large piece of rubble and used it to carry him closer to the man. He could pretend to put up a fight and carry out the battle, but carrying out the fight would mean holding back on Overhaul. The man who hurt a child so bad that she didn't know how to smile.

With a new wave of anger, Izuku made up his mind. Izuku got off the concrete once he was in front of Overhaul. Once he was on the ground, Izuku flung the concrete chunk right at the monster's head

Izuku winced and covered his ears as the monster let out an ear piercing screech as the concrete smashed against its eye. Its head jerked sideways and multiple hands tried to wipe its eye causing the thing to lose balance and fall over.

"I'd kill you if I could" Izuku growled. More concrete spikes floated around him, all aimed at the villain moving to stand again. "I don't know what your plan is or why Shigaraki is so invested in it."

One of the spikes flew forward catching Overhaul's hand and pinning it to the floor next to him.

"After what you did to Eri, I wish I could just kill you like I killed Muscular. Make these heroes listen to you beg for your life. But I was given specific instructions to let you live".

A few spikes stabbed through Overhaul's arms leaving the man pinned to the floor and screaming in pain and frustration. Izuku calmly walked to the creature's mouth to grab Overhaul's shirt and bring his face closer to the man's.

"I can't kill you. But I was given no limit on what I could do to you as long as you lived" Izuku canceled Overhaul's quirk and grinned in satisfaction as the monster slowly shrunk and faded away to just Overhaul and his lackey.

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