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Bakugo felt his blood boil more as Kirishima and Sero stood in front of him joking about his new hairstyle. Best Jeanist had forced him to adopt a "calmer" hairstyle and since then, he hadn't been able to get it back up to its usual look.

"I'll kill you both" Bakugo threatened through gritted teeth and tried to make it past the two

"I like to see you try, pretty boi" Sero laughed.

Bakugo glared at him "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" he shouted, mini sparks popping from his hands.

His words fell to deaf ears as his hair puffed back up entertaining the two even more.

"I wish Midoriya was here to see your hair!" Kirishima laughed using Bakugo's shoulder as support.

Bakugo seemed to forget his anger as his eyes narrowed scanning the room. "The nerd isn't back yet? He usually gets here early" the corner of his mouth fell into a frown.

The laughter suddenly came to a hush as their smiles fell.

"You haven't heard" Kaminari joined the conversation, "his group got attacked during the internships, he got moved from the hospital to Recovery girl this morning"

Bakugo put his bag onto his chair. "I'm going to visit Deku," he told the group and walked out the door.

"we'll come with you!" Kaminari followed draping am arm around Bakugo's shoulders before getting shoved off.

"Are you guys going to see Midoriya?" Mina peeked out the door "I was going to see him during lunch, but since the group is going right now, I'll join!" she smiled following the group.

Bakugo tsked and walked down the hall to Recovery Girl's room. "fine, but I won't hesitate to kick you guys out if you get too loud"


Midoriya listened to the even breathing across the room counting the seconds go by as the person inhaled and exhaled. He had barely been able to rest since the attack and it bothered him.

"Well, look who's doing the staring now. Does Bakugo you're looking at other people like that?"

Midoriya jumped and sat up straight "you- you're awake?!" he gasped.

"yea, have been this whole time. What's with the sad look" Shinso moved to a more comfortable position.

Midoriya bit his lip and closed his eyes. There was something else bothering him, but he was nervous about the type of reaction he'd get asking Shinso about it. But he had to know.

"You hated me since I joined this school, and I knew it was because I'm a villain, but... there's more to it, huh?" Midoriya scratched his wrist as Shinsou's breath hitched. He was still missing his contacts, and he wouldn't get the back up until after today, so he couldn't see Shinsou's expression so he had to go off the limited sounds.

"So..." Midoriya tried to find the words to ask "who?"

"huh?" Shinsou's voice seemed strained. He knew what he was asking.

"who did I kill?" Midoriya forced out.

The silence was deafening and the tension was suffocating. Midoriya gulped and looked away.

"You hated me for a reason bigger than me being a villain and I didn't realize it until the attack" Midoriya forced his voice to stay steady. "when I was cornered, you watched me with... With this look" Midoriya shook his head bringing his knees to his chest. "You looked like everyone else in the cells- God you shared the exact same look as them when that guy tried to kill me" he wiped away tears remembering how everyone watched as one of the prisoners had tried to choke him to death.

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