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Hitoshi woke to soft curls tickling his nose and groaned. He squinted his eyes against the light streaming through the window blinds and tried to move his arm, but a heavy weight was resting on it. Taken aback, Shinso looked down towards his arm and choked on air seeing Midoriya still laying across his chest. Half of his body was now on top of him making it a wonder how he didn't suffocate in his sleep.

The boy looked peaceful for once while sleeping, his chest rose and fell steadily, and any signs of stress he had before was nowhere to be seen. Hitoshi found himself wondering if the boy was dreaming. He didn't show any signs of dreaming like twitching or mumbling.

Do villains dream? What would they dream about, murder?

Shinso uselessly concluded that the boy was in a dreamless sleep and gently shook him so he could get his arm back. Midoriya's brows furrowed at the sudden movement, but the boy didn't stir. Shinso frowned and tried to wake him again to no avail.

Aizawa opened the door with an expression that Shinso couldn't read before it turned to surprise at the scene.

"it's been five days already?" he asked more to himself than to the stuck boy. "I have to keep track of time better"

"he won't wake up" Shinso huffed.

Aizawa walked into the room with a sigh "he'll be out for about a day" he said while lifting the boy off of Hitoshi and placing him on his bed. "looks like it'll just be me and you for training today"


The training was exactly how Shinso expected it to go. Every time he lost a fight, he had to run five laps around the hero's house, and two hours in, he's done already twenty laps.

"You rely too much on your quirk" Aizawa's capture weapon wrapped around Shinso's hand pulling him onto the floor. "you're physically weak"

Shinso panted as his arm was released and he wiped off the dirt "I know I know, another lap"

Aizawa nodded and he took that as a cue to start running.

The running gave Shinso a few minutes to think and go through everything that's happened in the past day without his teacher catching on. Midoriya had given him a lot to think about even though they barely took the time to talk to each other. Does he just tell everyone about his life as a villain? Is it something to he's proud of?

Shinso shook his head and focused on what he already knew. Midoriya has two personalities, Izuku is the one he has a distaste for, and Midoriya is too oblivious to tell when someone doesn't like him. Or does he know and not care? How much of his memories do these two share?


Shinsou was taken of his thoughts as a loud noise rang out from his teacher's house followed by a scream. Before Shinsou could process what's happening, Aizawa started running to the doors leading into the house. Shinsou followed suit worried as to what was happening. Aizawa skidded to a halt in the middle of his hallway and in front of the door where they left Midoriya.

Did he snap? Is the trying to escape? Maybe the villains came to get him.

Hitoshi didn't realize that he kept running until fabric wrapped around his chest and pulled him back. Before he could apologize, Aizawa placed am arm across him and slowly reached for the doorknob.

The hero opened the door and quickly ducked back behind the wall just in time to avoid a black knife, that shot out from the room, from piercing his skull. Aizawa took the opportunity to throw some of his scarf in there and run in. Shinso followed and stopped in his tracks.

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