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Bakugo stared at the drawn curtains next to his bed with disgust. Deku was on the other side passed out from overusing his quirks and shocking himself half to death. How lucky he was to only have it on stun and not kill. 

"Bakugo, how's the wrist?" Katsuki turned to Recovery Girl who was standing next to his bed.

Bakugo raised his arm and carefully moved his hand around "can barely tell it was broken" he answered with a grin.

"and the quirk?"

Bakugo raised his other hand and let out small pops from it. "it's not back to its fullest, but it's not going to be stopped by some low-level villain" he huffed.

Recovery girl nodded "looks like it wasn't permanent, which is good since that was the most damage you got," she told him. "You got lucky, especially since you went against the boy," the hero told Bakugo as she handed him a lollipop.

"dumbass Deku couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried" Bakugo sneered taking the candy.

Recovery girl hummed as she disappeared behind the curtains "yet he broke your wrist almost effortlessly from what I heard"

Bakugo glared at where the nurse would've been. "he got lucky, next time won't be as easy"

Bakugo stared at the light gray curtains. The small green-haired boy that used to talk about nothing but heroes was lying unconscious next to him working as a villain.

"This doesn't make sense.." he mumbled to himself bringing his hands to his face.

Recovery girl peeked out from the other side and moved the curtains back revealing the teen.

"looks like you have a lot on your mind"

Bakugo shook his head, "I know the bastard, and I know he wouldn't do something like this because he wanted to" he growled

"a friend of yours?" Recovery Girl questioned.

Bakugo shrugged "we knew each other before he was Taken. Our moms were highschool friends which meant we grew up together..."

Movement caught his eyes. Katsuki turned to look at Deku and widened his eyes. Dull green eyes met his red ones.

"is...is he awake?" Bakugo asked and climbed off his bed to walk to Midoriya. Izuku didn't move or show any reaction to seeing Bakugo, he just kept his blank stare.

"right now he's unstable, he's been slipping in and out of consciousness all day," Recover Girl told him.

Bakugo watched as Midoriya let a small smile pull at his lips as his eyes slowly closed and his breathing evened out indicating that he had fallen back asleep.

"he's been like this all day?" Bakugo asked looking at Recovery Girl.

"yep, the poor boy has been through a lot" she frowned, "now get some rest before the police come back to question you" she chided.

A couple of knocks at the door followed by it opening caught the two's attention.

Two police officers stood at the door looking at Bakugo.

"Bakugo Katsuki, can we see you for a second?" one of them asked.

Bakugo nodded and walked towards the door.

"Thanks for the talk, I'll be back later" he mumbled before walking out the door.

The walk to the principle's office didn't seem to take as long as Bakugo had hoped so he wasn't able to get his emotions in check and figure out what to tell his parents before the doors to the office opened.

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