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Izuku growled as the candle in front of him was swallowed by fire, melting away just like his patience.

"It's not working" he looked over at Aizawa who canceled his quirk, snuffing out the fire and leaving a puddle of wax in its place. "I can't control my quirks how you want me to" he was frustrated, anyone would be if they spent hours every day practicing only to get the same results every time.

"You were able to hold the flame ten seconds longer than last time" Aizawa pointed out lazily looking at the stopwatch in his hand.

"Wow, I could hold a small flame for thirty seconds! Endeavor is shaking right now" he rolled his eyes.

"I know you're being sarcastic, but I doubt Endeavor has the patience to hold a small fire for that long"

Izuku huffed looking away from his teacher. This training was stupid to him. What's the point of holding a candle fire? It would do nothing against opponents.

"If you want, we can move on to your telekinesis" Aizawa sighed rubbing his face with one hand.

Izuku shook his head "I don't want to train anymore, I'm tired" it wasn't a full lie, they have been quirk training more since Aizawa learned that pushing Midoriya's quirks too much used his energy and forced him to sleep before the five-day mark, but right now Izuku just wanted to end early.

"I'm not going to beg you to keep training, either we continue for a few more minutes or you admit to quitting"

Narrow green eyes snapped to black ones. He wasn't quitting. Quitting gets you beaten half to death in the league and Aizawa knows that.

"I'm not quitting" he growls.

Aizawa picked up a stone and hurled it towards Izuku who used his quirk to catch it inches away from his head. The freckled boy glared at his teacher and reeled the stone back fully prepared to shoot it through the hero's skull.

Instead, he crossed his arm and as slowl as he could towards his teacher who gave him a shit-eating grin. Izuku gritted his teeth at that, and the stone quickly picked up speed. The rock only got so far before Izuku's quirk was canceled, and it barely managed to hit Aizawa before falling uselessly to the ground.

"Go to bed, problem child"

Izuku wasted no time turning around and walking back into their house and to his room. He hated quirk training. Shigaraki would be laughing at him trying to control the quirks that he had been forced to have. The league never helped him learn to use his quirks, it was always "go all out or die weak".

Izuku groaned and threw himself onto his bed resisting all urges to scream into his pillow.

After a few hours, Midoriya slowly sat up straight and sighed. Aizawa was probably sleeping now so he'd have to wait until tomorrow to apologize to the hero.

Midoriya stretched his arms before standing up to go to the kitchen, maybe a quick snack could help him think better.

Right before he reached the door, Midoriya stopped. A shiver ran down his spine as wind brushed against his back carrying the faint smell of dirt and water mixed with alcohol.

Midoriya swallowed the lump in his throat "Izuku" he managed to choke up. There was a silence and Midoriya tried his best to control his shaking "they're here".

"It's been a while, Izuku"

Izuku spun around with wide eyes. Eraser Head is down the hall, if he screamed now, he could alert the hero.

As if reading his mind, the man in front of his gave an ugly grin "keep your mouth closed and don't think about alerting the hero, unless you want us to kill him"

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