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I almost gave myself hypothermia and took a completely dark shower while on nyquill and for someone reason it convinced me to come back to this and finish at least this arc.


"Run!" Izuku yelled as he tried to get out of the thread holding him down. "Fuck- Let go of me!"

Izuku awkwardly spun around and kicked Best Jeanist's leg. "there's a monster in there," he whispered, praying Sensei doesn't hear him. "if he catches you, you'll either end up like Ragdoll or dead."

"Hey, isn't that the villain kid Aizawa was talking about?" Mt Lady bent down to get a better look at him. "doesn't look very evil"

Izuku stopped struggling to glare at the heroes surrounding him, "Fine! Don't say I didn't warn you when your bodies are all over the news." he spat.

With perfect timing, there was a low rumble from the building before the whole thing exploded around them. The heroes had no time to react before they were thrown across the clearing.

Izuku forced himself to stay quiet and still as he heard heavy footsteps behind him.

"I wish you didn't care about these weak heroes so much" All For One sighed.

Izuku flinched as something sliced the air around him and the thread that held him captive fell off. "Thank you Sir." he forced himself to keep an even tone as he looked up at the man. He started mentally saying goodbye to his freedom.

All for One put his hand on Izuku's head and hummed. Izuku mentally prepared for a quirk to be forced into his body or one to be taken from him. What he wasn't expecting though, was for the villain to ruffle his hair.

And for a second, Izuku missed Aizawa and his friends.

Izuku wanted to ask why he had done that. Why he was suddenly being so nice to him when Izuku has only known anger and coldness from the man since he was given to Shigaraki as a bodyguard. He wanted to ask the villain why he always chose the worst moments to show affection to him.

He hated how the slightest amount of affection from the man had him second-guessing his hate.

He didn't even have the chance to open his mouth before gray sludge appeared around him. Izuku looked around confused.

"The rest of the league is here. I brought the Bakugo kid along but he has no more use to us since he's adamant about not joining." All for One stared at one of the growing blobs behind Izuku.

"You can let him escape no matter what Tomura says. I know that boy means something to you."

Izuku wanted to cry. The sudden kindness from the villain left him conflicted and confused. He only got praise and rewards when he finished a mission or behaved well, and even then it had been a while since All for One had even said anything kind to him. he hated everything about the league, but here he was about to make the worst decision of his life.

"Don't die." Was all he could choke out.

All for one looked down at Midoriya. His head tilted slightly and a grin slowly formed.

"You've messed with my head so much that I can't even hate you properly. You killed everyone around me and turned me into a monster."

Midoriya could hear some of the league members finally coming out of the sludge and landing on the rocks behind him.

"But every time I think about hurting you or you dying, I can't help but remember those shitty praises and rewards you gave me when I was younger and I can't bring myself to be anything other than sad."

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