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Izuku winced a little at the scene in front of him. The nomu had twisted Eraser Head's arm in unnatural ways, and his face was twisted in multiple levels of pain and caked in blood.

"why don't you just kill him off? Isn't this a little too much?" Izuku asked stepping forward a little only to stop in his tracks one the nomu looked at him.

"because there's no fun in immediately killing him, All Might isn't here so might as well have some fun" Shigaraki shrugged not sparing him a glance.

Izuku bit his bottom lip and tried to look somewhere else, but the sound of multiple bones cracking and the pained shouts kept bringing him back to the scene.

Izuku wanted it to stop, but he couldn't go against direct orders. His mind was altered to where it was nearly impossible to.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief when Kurogiri appeared and slowly made his way behind the mist.

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" Shigaraki asked

"The rescue hero is out of commission" was all he said before changing the topic "there were some students I didn't get to disperse, and one of them managed to get out of the facility"

Shigaraki looked back at Eraser Head and began scratching his neck.

Izuku carefully grabbed Tomura's hand and tried to lower it to his side.

Shigaraki aggressively swatted him back and glared at him.

"Touch me again and you'll replace the annoying hero under the nomu" Shigaraki snapped.

Izuku froze and shakily walked back behind Kurogiri. "I-I'm sorry" he muttered.

Izuku glanced at the hero who looked at him with an emotion he couldn't read before he quickly turned away.

"dammit, let's go home" Shigaraki sighed and turned to Kurogiri. "but first, let's get rid of the annoying hero"

In the blink of an eye, Shigaraki was in front of the hero with am arm extended outwards towards Eraser Head's face. Izuku jumped and looked away not wanting to watch the hero crumble to dust in front of him.

Watching a human crumble to dust was never a good sight for either of his personalities. It was gruesome and traumatizing to listen to someone scream until their face fell apart or their vocal cords withered away. The skin always crumbled away first showing everything underneath as they struggled to free themselves. They never do.

There was a long silence, no screaming, no crying. Nothing.

"You really are so cool..."

Izuku slowly looked back at the two and stared wide-eyed as all five hands were in Eraser Head, but he stayed in one piece. Izuku sighed in relief knowing the hero could still activate his quirk.

The nomu raised up Eraser Head by his hair and slammed him back down onto the floor.

Izuku placed a hand in Shigaraki's shoulder and gently pulled him back trying to convince him to leave

"Shigaraki, come on, let's g-"

The nomu had left Eraser Head and was now towering in front of Izuku who looked at Tomura and the monster filled with pure terror.

In the blink of an eye, Izuku used his speed quirk to try and get away from the beast who quickly followed suit and caught up throwing them into a small fistfight.

Izuku placed his staff between him and his attacker and opened it hitting the nomu off of him while also knocking the air out of him. That was going to leave a bruise. Izuku quickly recovered and scrambled to his feet holding the metal staff close to him.

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