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"These kids really make the league of villains look like amateurs"

Izuku looked back at Shigaraki with a curious glance.

"nomu" the big nomu slowly went through the warp gate, breaking off its frozen limbs, and awkwardly hopped forward before regrowing what he lost.

Izuku gagged at the sight while the others stared in horror.

"I thought you said his quirk was shock absorption?!" Allmight asked trying - and failing- to hide the shock in his voice.

"I didn't say that was his only quirk" Shigaraki grinned. "he also has super regeneration"

"he's been modified to take you on even at one hundred percent of your power" Izuku added with a smile. The nomu was strong, but Izuku's quirk was telling him that something was wrong, that they overlooked something or didn't think everything through enough. He ignored it of course. Such thinking wasn't allowed during an important mission.

If this nomu kills Allmight, he'll be the master's favorite. I'll finally be able to do something other than fight for Shigaraki. No more testing and torture. No more senseless killing.

Oh, the nomu is attacking.

Izuku snapped back to reality as the nomu threw someone into a wall guarding Kurogiri. Izuku watched as the smoked cleared exposing a coughing Allmight who had his arms up in a blocking positing.

"these are kids, and you didn't hold back?" Allmight glared at the group

"I didn't have much choice" Shigaraki stepped forward followed by Izuku "he was threatening my companion"

Izuku glanced at Kurogiri who had regained his composure and waited behind them calmly.

"Besides, these kids are no angels. You think you can get away with whatever you want if you say it's for the sake of others" he sneered. "well, you know what, Allmight? That pisses me off"

"there he goes" Izuku sighed under his breath as Shigaraki kept talking.

Midoriya glanced over at Bakugo who was focused on Allmight. He was older and more threatening than Izuku remembered and that made him proud. It's been so long since he had seen the boy and it made Izuku happy to know that he kept following his dream to be a hero. At least one of them made it.

While lost in thought, angry eyes met his and he felt his hold slipping. Showing any kind of weakness because of Bakugo would be dangerous to both of them, especially since Shigaraki has that beast.

"focus, you good for nothing nomu" Izuku shook his head and faced Shigaraki noticing Kurogiri and the nomu glaring at Allmight "we're taking down the kids"

Izuku nodded and looked at the three students who readied their quirks. Just as he was about to attack,  a gust of wind distracted him and he watched as the hero and nomu met at the middle with a punch that blew the other's away.

"weren't you listening?!" Shigaraki snapped "one of his quirks is shock absorption"

"yea, what about it?" Allmight asked sending another punch at the nomu

He's bold. Very Bold.

"You said it was absorption, not nullification, which means there's a limit. Right"

And smart

Izuku held his ground and watched in amazement as the two met each other's hits head-on without stopping.

"We have to stop him" Izuku gasped "those punches aren't being thrown at random" He warned Shigaraki.

Shigaraki just growled as Allmight's punches progressively got stronger.

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