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Midoriya let out a sigh as he walked down the confusing hallways of the stadium. Eraser Head had trusted him to get them some food after the cavalry battle had ended, but forgot that he didn't know the layout on the inside.

There were a lot of different food stands around the area which only confused Midoriya. He wasn't used to being able to pick food, much less it being decent food, but here he was staring at all the drawn pictures of different treats being sold.

Then he saw a familiar figure. Nervously, Midoriya walked over to Todoroki with a small smile.

"hey Todoroki, you looked really cool out there" Midoriya stretched out a hand for the boy to shake.

Todoroki glanced at Midoriya's hand and back at the boy before turning around and walking away.

"h-hey! That's a little rude, don't you think?" Midoriya gasped chasing after the boy. "I'm trying to compliment you for staying in first place for the last two rounds, and I don't know much, but I know you should at least say thank you" Midoriya frowned as he tried to get the boy's attention.

"I don't want compliments from a deranged villain," Todoroki told him and kept walking.

Izuku quickly grabbed Todoroki's right arm and leaned in close to his ear.

"Listen here you little shit" he growled, "you should be more careful who you're being rude to. Endeavor might put up with your fucking 'rebellious phase' but I will not" he hissed. "and do we really have to bring our pasts into this? If so, I'll just talk to you as a child with daddy issues who are unloved by their mommy because she couldn't stand to look at his face" he snapped.

Todoroki looked back at Izuku wide-eyed and swung his left arm around to get him off, but Izuku was faster and dodged him.

Midoriya looked at the boy with wide eyes and a panicked expression. "I-I'm sorry! I accidentally let him slip. I should've just avoided you and walked past" he stuttered.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at the mumbling boy in front of him. "how do you know so much about me?" he asked, venom lacing his words.

Midoriya looked at the floor "i- I looked it up while with the villains, your father is famous so it's really easy to get information from people. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to bring up such memories!"

Todoroki glared at Midoriya and quietly left him as he tried to apologize.

Defeated, Midoriya bought some random food he found and made his way back to the room where the pros waited.

Midoriya handed the headset over to Aizawa for the battles and quietly sat in a corner eating his snacks.

The battles had all went down almost exactly how Midoriya had expected them to go: Sero lost pathetically to Todoroki, Kaminari forgot that electricity can't run through plants and short-circuited himself too early, Mina waited until Ayoama's quirk backlash kicked in to attack. They were all predictable, but there was one match he didn't know the outcome to.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. They were like exact copies of each other in fighting style, and somehow managed to knock each other out during their round. The arm wrestle would probably take a long time.

The match between Kacchan and Uraraka was interesting. It was obvious who the winner was going to be, but seeing the girl's determination to win almost made Midoriya root for her during the battle. She put up a good fight, but Bakugo was clearly going to be the winner.

What did bother Izuku though, was the number of people who weren't happy that Kacchan hadn't held back against her.

"Why are they acting so mad about it? In the real world, no villain would hold back just because their opponent was a girl" Izuku ranted to Aizawa and Mic "hell, I knew a villain who'd kill heroes with no hesitation if they even thought of holding back because she was a girl"

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