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Sorry for the silence I had a quince, vidcon, new job, and I bought a house these past two months and had no time to write (~_~;) . But hopefully, I will be back long enough to finish this arc cause we've been here for too long 😭.


"We can't let him touch us," Mirio jumped back just in time to avoid getting impaled by more concrete spikes, "and we can't get close enough to touch him."

Izuku ducked under an outstretched arm and moved to use the opening as a chance to attack. Before he could land a hit, Overhaul tried to grab him with his other hand forcing Izuku to retreat.

"So we stall until a better-suited hero can stop him" Izuku suggested, his freckle glowed pink long enough for Overhaul to get thrown into a wall. "I'm under Shigaraki's command to listen to him so I can't kill or hurt him too badly."

"So if he wanted to, he-" A rock hit the back of Lemillon's head stopping him from finishing his sentence.

"Maybe don't give the villain any ideas on how to use me" Izuku snapped. Mirio gave him a sheepish smile.

Izuku and Mirio advanced on the man together hoping to corner him. Mirio struck first, pulling his fist back and yelling to grab Overhaul's attention. Overhaul stepped back to doge, moving him closer to Izuku whose freckles glowed purple, ready to attack.

Once Overhaul got close enough, Izuku moved forward with his hands out. He just needed to cancel his quirk.

Unfortunately, Overhaul seemed to catch onto their plan and managed to sidestep out of range just before Izuku could touch him. Izuku couldn't help the frustrated growl that escaped him as his fingers barely brushed the man's jacket.

There was a brief moment where no one moved. The three were positioned in an awkward triangle waiting for the other to move. For a second, Izuku wondered if Overhaul had realized he was outmatched. Then he rushed towards Mirio, hand reaching for the boy's throat.

Izuku was quick to intercept the attack and swing at the villain. Izuku stumbled as Overhaul side-stepped away from his fist and instead pivoted to grab him. Thrown off by his momentum, Izuku could only watch in horror as Overhaul's hand closed around his wrist. Izuku closed his eyes and prepared to either feel himself die again or the agonizing pain of losing his arm.

Izuku braced for a second.

Then two.

After the third second, Izuku mustered the courage to open his eyes. Overhaul was holding onto Izuku's arm. They both stopped to stare at his hand confused.

"Let go of the kid"

Realizing his situation, Izuku snatched his hand out of Overhaul's grip and backed away from the man. Izuku double-checked his wrist to make sure it was still there.

"Eraser head" Overhaul hummed "I was wondering when you were going to show up"

Izuku spun around with wide eyes to look at the hero. Aizawa stood on top of a pile of rubble, eyes glowing red and his scarf floating around his head. He looked pissed.

"Is that your hero?" Eri whispered in his ear.

"That's him," Izuku whispered back, unsure if he should smile or cry.

"You know, before I got Eri, I always wanted to experiment on your quirk." Overhaul grinned under his mask. "I can still use you."

There was a blur of movement from the side and suddenly an arrow stabbed Aizawa's side. As if in slow motion, Aizawa stumbled sideways before losing balance and falling over.

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