Chapter 21: Hard Work

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The next morning was a rush, we were woken up early and were instantly put into training. We hopped into our costumes and then were told to start with a 3 block run. I didn't realize how out of shape I was until I got to first half of the second block, when I was younger this was nothing, but now I felt like my lungs were going to give out. I felt bad for Uraraka as her costume included wearing heels. Whenever she tripped I was luckily there to help her get back up. 

"Come on, you can do this!" I cheered her on, it seemed to help. When the run was over Gunhead gave us a 5 minute break, before moving onto the next part of our training. We now stood in a dojo room, practicing our punching. 

"Don't do it aimlessly!" Gunhead said as he watched us all do our punches. "Make sure you focus on each action, see? Because what counts most in the end is your basic physical strength." He raised his wrists up to his face like he was a high school girl, making me look at him weird. "Y/n!" he said catching my attention. 

"Yes sir?" 

"Great formation, keep it up!" 

"Thank you, Sir!" I continued the punching motion. After that we moved onto stretches, such as our legs and our backs. I was pretty flexible so these stretches were easy for me, allowing me to help Uraraka. "Breath." I said as I sat on the floor, stretching over to touch my right leg. I watched as she struggled to do the same. "If you don't breath your body won't relax." I watched as she took a deep breath then exhaled. After a few moments she was able to touch the tip of her toe. 

"I-I did it!" She said excited. 

"Great job!" I giggled while sitting up. "These stretches will become SUPER easy later." 

"Training with Katsuki has really helped with this kind of stuff, hasn't it?" 

"Oh yea, but these kinds of stretches are good for anyone to do honestly, I was a pretty active kid." 

"Ladies!" Gunhead said making us stand up. 

"Yes Sir!" 

"We're moving on to kicks, prepare to give it your best!" He said raising a fist. He demonstrated what he wanted from us then allowed us to do it ourselves. Even though I was flexible, kicking wasn't really something I learned, I've only learned how to capture people and protect myself. The rest of the day was just use doing different movements to get used to each stance and motion. Some were harder for me then others, and when I went to sleep that night my entire body was sore. 

"Uraraka." I groaned. "I can't even move my arms." 

"ahhh, neither can I." She whined as well. 

"I'll just text Katsuki tomorrow."

"Won't he be mad?" 

"When ISN'T he mad." 

"well...I mean at you. He never seems to get mad at you." 

"I guess I could call him...but I don't want to bother you." I said looking over at her. I looked in shock as I saw she had already fallen asleep. "oh...well okay then." I mumbled while groaning and picking up my phone. I dialed Katsuki's number, then laid the phone next to my ear. After a moment he picked up. 

"Calling this time?" He said, sounding tired. 

"I'm so sore, I didn't want to text you. Just wanted to keep you updated." 

"do we seriously have 5 more days of this." he growled. "I...I've picked the wrong place Y/n." 

"What do you mean?" 

"They're treating me like a fucking doll, I don't know how much more I can stand. They messed with my hair!" He yelled. I laughed and sighed softly, 

Explosive Love {Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now