I moaned at that. "This is different. I was the "Shadow" then..."

"And you are still that "Shadow". My heart..." Captain Wang's hands reached out to take mine. "Didn't I tell you, let that "Shadow" out. Live as you please. Don't suppress that part of you. I will still love you..."

Yes, Captain Wang did say that. He told me while we were bathing together in the bathhouse. A moment when I felt truly loved by him.

I sighed. "I just worry...if that boy knows about my, our, past...what about the other thing he can see?"

"The future?" Captain Wang frowned as he nodded. "I thought you don't believe that he can see the future?"

I reeled in surprise at that. "Yes! I don't believe it! But what if...?"

"What if what? What about the future you worry about?" Captain Wang slightly frown.

He is frustrating me. "What do you mean...what about it? It's our future?"

"Yes," Captain smiled again. "What's to worry about our future? I already planned it. Our future will be you and me, growing old together. What's so worrisome about that?"

I sighed tiredly at that. I also pulled my hand out of my lover's hold. "You...have such simple way of thinking about this..."

"Do I?" Captain Wang chuckled. "Or maybe you are overthinking about this. The future can take care of itself. I don't worry about the future when I have you by my side."

That is...sweet, I guess.

"What about Hua and Dao?" I finally voiced out my worry. "Our children's future..."

Captain Wang turned serious. "Hua and Dao will sort their future by themselves. Their lives are on their hands. We don't have a say in that, Dayu ah..."

"I know but..." I feel frustrated. "Look at us now. Hua's future is hanging on a balance because of the appearance of her fiance's biological mother. Dao's future..." I frowned. "Do you have any idea what Dao intends to do in his future?"

Captain Wang's lips pursed a little. "Dao intends to be a soldier, a general, and he..." my lover stopped.

I nodded encouragingly at him. "And? And what?"

"And..." Captain Wang frowned deeply. "And what else does our son planned for his life?" My lover looked as baffled as I am feeling about Dao's plans.

"Oh my..." I cannot help but feel dismay at that. "Is that all what he wants to do with himself? Be a soldier and ascend up as a general?"

"Being a soldier and a general are no easy tasks, Dayu ah." Captain sounded defensive for his profession.

"I know that." I conceded that fact. "But if Dao has a plan for those things, his mission is as good as accomplished. Dao has good instincts in getting his goals. But do we really want our son's life to revolve around his career? What are his other plans?"

"I don't know," Captain Wang winced.

I feel flattened by that. "We are lousy parents," I sighed dejectedly.

"No we are not!" Captain Wang scoffed. Clearly affronted. "Dayu, we both know that no one can know the future..."

"That boy said he can see the future," I argued to my lover.

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now