I scream, you scream, we all scream for... Dimensional scream?

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Hey everybody~

I'm sick as a dog, but I'll keep giving my all to finish this!!!

I hate chatot.


hate hate hate.


"Alright everybody! UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!" came a familiar booming voice.

"ugh.... good morning Crystal..." Rise whimpered, rubbing his throbbing ears. He wasn't sure about how magical this place was now...


"AND THREE! SMILES GO FOR MILES!" Everyone, now including Rise and Crystal, yelled the cheer enthusiastically, despite the early morning in which they were so rudely awakened.

"Ok, Pokemon~ Time to get to work!"said Chatot happily in his A voice, flapping his wings in delight at his minions all remembering the cheer they would continue to say every day, no matter what. Every day they would wake up early in the morning, and get to work, making the guild money to pay for the apprentice's food.

"Hooray!" Everyone scattered to do their various jobs, but before Rise and Crystal could go far, Chatot came back to them.

"Oh, you two..." he became his B. "Still wandering around lost, it seems..."

If you'd give us a moment's peace to look around, maybe we wouldn't!thought Crystal angrily.

"Come with me, children." said Chatot. He led them up the ladder, back into the other room, the one like the one they were just in, the windows letting the golden sunlight in, the floor almost looked like it's dirt floors, packed hard by many teams entering its doors, and right in front of yet *another* tacky cork-board with paper.

"Huh?" Rise looked around. "Last time we took a job from the other side..." He said, in a confused daze, and looked over to the other side, different teams congregated in front of it. For instance, there was a

"Correct~" Sang Chatot in a slightly more pleasant b. "But today, we'll have you do a job listed on this side."

"What's the difference?" asked Rise, looking confused.

"Take a closer look." Offered Chatot, stepping out of the way so they could see it.

"Crystal! Look!" Rise gasped. "There are posters that show a variety of Pokemon! They look pretty cool, are they famous explorers?" he asked, turning to chatot.

Chatot's face fell. "No... The pokemon listed here... are outlaws. They're all shady characters, wanted for committing crimes." he explained.

Rise gasped. "Oh no!" he whimpered, looking on in total shock. "outlaws? Are you serious?" he gasped.

"Yes. There are bounties on their heads. In other words, you get money if you capture them. There are so many dangerous and violent Pokemon that everyone's finding it hard to keep up with the problem." Chatot said rather sadly in a low c.

"Wait, you're telling US to catch these outlaws?" Rise gasped again. "You can't be serious! That's not possible!"

You're telling this IDIOT to catch an outlaw?!Crystal thought.

"Hee-hee! Just joking! The bad pokemon come in all shades of badness. Some of these pokemon are completely wicked through and through... But there are also Pokemon that are just petty thieves. So you've got evil to naughty, and everything in between. I'm sure we can avoid giving you a job with super bad pokemon... So pick a pokemon and bring them to justice, kids!"

"Um.... you say some are weak... but they're still bad pokemon, aren't they? I'm scared of dangerous pokemon!" he whimpered.

"It's all part of your training. Don't worry, you'll find a way through it, I'm sure!" Chatot reassured. "But I'm sure you will need to get ready to face a tough opponent..." he looked thoughtful, in a b voice. "So I'll have someone give you a tour of the facilities."

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