Split Apart

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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter, early because I'm.. just.. grateful! *cries with joy*


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The sea breeze meant safety. The wind blowing gently into the home of Rise the Riolu meant home. The warmth of the stones below her meant light, an it played with her chocolate fur like a tender hand, and light meant hope, because light was there. There were two other voices talking, and her ears twitched towards them, grateful she was not alone. Finally, there was the sound of footsteps, a third voice, the voice that meant silence.

"I'm back!" Rise declared, and Crystal sat up, curious as to what he'd found out. Aiden and Celeste turned from whatever they were doing (Crystal hadn't really been paying that much attention) and the three gave a warm-hearted greeting.

"Welcome back!" Celeste darted to his side almost immediately, and they sat down.

"I have some news." Rise declared, and Crystal and Aiden sat closer to hear him over the wind, which seemed to have gotten stronger. Crystal noticed an emotion she hadn't seen on Rise for a long time.He looked rather nervous. She began to feel it too. Oh great, what wonderful thing has happened now? Couldn't they have a little bit of peace before recieving bad news?

"What's the word?" Aiden asked after a moment of them silently staring at each other, wondering if the other was going to speak and resulting in a rather awkward silence that only the wind and the sound of waves crashing the rocks below could fill.

"Not very good, I'm afraid." Rise said, averting his eyes from Aiden's. Celeste stared at him in concern.

"What's going on, Rise?" she asked, voice trembling. Crystal wanted to roll her eyes once more. Why the sudden pause for dramatic affect?

"Oh, just spill it out already, Rise!" she declared. The Riolu flinched, but nodded.

"A-alright..." he mumbled, looking startled at her sudden emotion. Crystal growled. He should be used to this by now, or had he forgotten?! "Well, after we went to the future, Uxie and his friends returned the Time Gears, just as they said they would. Everyone was pretty happy, because they were returned to where they belonged and now time was going to go back to normal. Well...it didn't. Time didn't start flowing again." he reported.

"That explains why Treeshroud forest was... the way it was." Aiden said, looking worried as well.

"Wait, there's... There's even more. The time stop thing? It's spreading all over the place like a virus.Everyone's scared. It's like a horror story." Rise shuddered.

"Is.. that true?" Celeste gasped.

"Unfortunately. Everyone's really terrified because no one kows what to do about it. It's a mess, a really bad mess.." Rise turned to Aiden. "Do you know what this means?" he asked.

"I do... and so does Crystal." Crystal pered, hearing her name, and nodded.

"Yes, the place that stored time..." she said, trying to recall the memory.

"Temporal tower." Aiden gently reminded her, and she glared at him. She could figure it out on her own, thank you very much!

"Yeah that. Anyways, Temporary whatever is starting to collapse." Too bad that was where her memory of how to stop it ended. She knew she'd forgotten something important!

"What are you talking about? What's this Temporary-"


"Okay fine, Temporal Tower's collapse. What is that?!" it seemed Rise didn't like much to be corrected either.

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