First day

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Hey guys! Couldn't wait to do the next part!


Rise and Crystal's first day! This will be fun...




Crystal let out a growl and jumped up. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" she growled angrilly, fur bristling. What a jerk this freak purple and yellow big mouthed thing was!

"WHY ARE YOU STILL ASLEEP?! WAKE UP!" The freak yelled at Rise, who somehow slept through this.

"Oh... my poor ears..." squealed Rise.

"C'mon, snap out of it, Rise." he turned to Crystal. "Good morning, you said your name was Crispy, right? Well I'm Loudred, and-"

"Crystal. Call me Crispy one more time and you're dead." she growled at him.

"Alright, anyways, I'm a fellow apprentice! If you're late for our morning briefing, you'll be sorry, so get a move on!" he insisted. Guild Master Wigglytuff has a big temper... if they lose it... Yowee that would be a scary scene!" he turned around, shuddering. "I've got goose bumps thinking about it... yeesh!" he whimpered. "So Anyways, I'm not about to get in trouble cause you rookies got in LATE! SO GET IN GEAR!"

He ran out.

Rise turned to Crystal. "Urk... My ears are still ringing..." he whimpered. "What did he say? Something about getting ready?" he blinked a couple times. "Er... oh yeah! We signed up as Wigglytuff's apprentices at the guild!"

"How could you forget, stupid." Crystal smoothed down her fur.

"We overslept, Crystal! We gotta hurry!" he pulled on  her before she had a chance to finish, and, one side groomed and one side... well... not, he dragged the furious eevee out.


"You're late, ROOKIES!" said Loudred as they jumped in the lines assembled outside Wigglytuff's guild.

"HUSH! your voice is ridiculously loud!" Chatot scolded angrilly in a D. Crystal snickered. "Anyways, everyone seems to be in attendance!" he sang in an A. "Very well, let's conduct our morning address! Guildmaster, the guild is in full attendance!" Chatot called in the door in his pretty B.

Wigglytuff walked out.

"Ah Wigglytuff! Please address the guild crew!" sang Chatot in his B.

Wiggltuff let out a loud snore.

"Guild Master never ceases to amaze me!" whispered a small brown pokemon beside them with buck teeth and a fat face.

"You got that right." whispered a rather pretty flower pokemon with a  yellow face.

"Yup, he's wide awake..." whispered a strange Pokemon beside the brown one, who resembled a wind chime with both voice and body.

"He's wide open, but fast asleep!" whispered the brown Pokemon again.

"Thank you sir! We value your words of wisdom!" sang Chatot, who looked embarrased and nervous. He turned to them. "Ok Pokemon! Take his words of wisdom to heart!" he said to the crew. "Finally, let us not forget our morning cheers! All together now!" his voice changed to an E.

Everyone began cheering fervently. "One! Don't Shirk Work! Two! Run away and pay! Three! Smiles go for miles!" everyone except Rise and Crystal yelled.

"All right everyone! Get to work!" said Chatot.

"Hooray!" once again, all but the rookies cheered.

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