Becoming a team

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sorry it took so long. Eventually I shall put the actual going into the dungeon, but too bad for you, this is not the time I'm doing it, so, bwahahaha! Oh, by the way... I would appreciate comments on how to portray this idiot we call 'Rise' better. Dx

And Sunflora.

Even though we have the exact same personality. 

Mainly because it feels like I'm writing myself into the story.

Crystal's like my emo alter ego. o_0*

If you knew me, and you are probably reading this only because you do and I will quiz you on it on monday, then you would know this.

Oh hey, do you like the way I named the rock 'Brave'? 

Yeah, I know. I feel like I'm writing about Jayfeather and his stick. o_0


They finally reached the end of the pit. Rise opened his eyes wide. He could see again! The gloom of the cave was gone, and all he could see was a tiny, pretty beach. He never would've known it was here without Crystal, who panted beside him. Of course she was more tired, she did all the fighting. (But he growled at them!)

Nevertheless, they were at the end, and there was nowhere to go but to the thugs on the beach, staring at his personal treasure, his Yuuki-chan! "Uh... hey!" he called out to them, taking reassurance in the Eevee beside him. He could sense her seething, and out of the corner of his eye he saw her fur bristle as she pulled out her blast seed. The two turned around in surprise, then hostility, mixed in with smug confidence. Rise's neck fur bristled.

"Well well..." The Koffing grinned. "If it isn't our old friend, the big chicken."

Rise felt his confidence wane, wanting to step back. These two were ready to use attacks, he could see Koffing puffing out more gas. He hugged his Oran berry, trying to keep himself confidence. Crystal nudged him roughly with her nose. "Get a move on." she growled angrily at him. Rise nodded, and opened his mouth. 

"Give me... Give me back Yuuki-chan! I need her, and you stole her! She means everything to me, she's my treasure!" he burst out, not allowing the words to die on his tongue. He briefly felt strange. Weren't those words used for a wife in hostage or something? He looked over to Crystal. Yeah sure. hehe. Wife. Well, Koffing had called her his girlfriend...

"A treasure you say? So that thing really is valuable?" the Zubat said.

"It could be worth more than what we hoped for, I'd say." The Koffing's grin widened. "We ought to try selling it. I bet it'll go for a good price! Whoa-ho-ho! All the more reason not to give it back!"

"WHAAAAT?" Crystal and Rise burst out at the same time. Crystal was about to bite the Zubat's throat out. Rise looked over to her with a slight tremble of fear. 

"Well, if you want it back that badly... Come and get it, hehehe!" 

Crystal threw the blast seed, and it exploded in mid-air. 

"HOLY SNICKER-DOODLES! Thank Arceus, there are grenades in the Pokemon world!" Crystal jumped up and down from excitement.

Zubat was totally out of it on the ground. Rise stared at it then back to his partner. 

"C..crystal... f-focus..." he mumbled, touching her shoulder gently, then drawing it back as if he was afraid she'd bite it off.

His partner nodded. "Right! Let's do this, Rise!" she yelled, and they both tackled Koffing. "Hehe, you're stronger than I thought. Take this!" Purple gas expelled from him. Rise gagged. "Its... smog!" his eyes watered, and his stomach clenched. Poison Gas was a move that would poison, which could possibly kill him. He winced and backed up, putting his hands in front of his face. "Don't!" 

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