In the Twilight of the Past

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A new chapter! Only took two months.

You guys can yell if you want to.

Or request stuff.

Just so you know.

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     "Grovyle?" Rise asked as he and the rest of Team Sapphire, Crystal and Celeste, walked through the gloom together, fur brushing. They weren't sure if they were staying close because of the darkness, because the fear of losing one another, or simply to comfort one another after what they'd witness. Chatot had gone down. Chatot, who had seemed so cruel, had risked his life for them. He'd taken a hit for them. He'd shielded them from Kabutop's attack, and in return had gotten badly hurt. The rest of the guild was returning him home. Team Sapphire was on their own now.

     "Hmmm?" Grovyle asked, and slowed, sensing their desire to be close to one another.

     "How did you end up coming here?" Rise asked.

     "Wigglytuff brought me." Grovyle said.

     "Huh? Wigglytuff did?" Rise inquired.

     "That's right. Wigglytuff had been looking for me. As soon as he found me, he asked me to go with him. He said you were close to finding the Hidden Land. It worked out fine, because I planned on joining up with you, anyways." Grovyle explained.

     "Planned to join us...? Wait, does that mean...?" Rise's eyes widened.

     "That's right. I've collected all the necessary Time Gears." Grovyle said.

     "Awesome! Now all we have to do is get to the Hidden Land!" Rise said. "So let's find the place with the strange pattern!" They came out of the gloom to what appeared to be a rocky beach (with the cave still above them, of course). The ocean met directly with the sandstone, and pebbles littered the more flat areas. Rise slipped on a cleverly hidden puddle, earning a few giggles from his female companions.

     "Whoa, there's water everywhere!" He spat out some that had gotten in his mouth. "It's seawater, too!" The three of them continued along the subterranean beach, and stopped to gape in awe.

     "Look at that!" Rise gasped. Outside the hole where the tide came in, the sun was setting, turning the entire sky a faint golden pink, it's clouds a darker shade. The ocean was a deep blue.

     "The cave's mouth opens up to the sea!" Celeste gasped.

     "How beautiful..." Crystal said.

     "We couldn't see it because it's in the shadows outside." Rise pointed out.

     It's true... The sea is visible beyond the rock walls... It's nearly evening... We didn't notice the time go by. Crystal thought, raptured by the beauty.

     "The tide rises up to here from the gap in the walls." Grovyle mused. Crystal was about to say something in return, when she turned behind her and gasped in shock. She dashed over to the wall opposite the sunset. Celeste dashed curiously after her. Rise turned around with a confused look.

     "What are you two- Hey! Look at this!" He gasped in shock. Inscribed on the rock were patterns. "These patterns are the same as on my Relic Fragment! These must be the patterns that Chatot was talking about! I'll bring out my Relic fragment." Rise gasped, and fumbled in his box for the precious trinket. He set it on the ground in front of it's larger twin. It was then that it began to glow a bright blue.

     "Hey! The relic fragment!" Celeste gasped.

     "Look! The wall's glowing too!" Crystal said.

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