I have no regrets.

I looked around to see that everyone but Hecate had steak on their plates. Upon seeing my confusion Styx spoke lowly to me, "Hecate feels bad for the animals so she's a vegan. She eats plants despite their want to kill her constantly and doesn't eat animals despite the sacrifices made to her by the mortals."

Hearing our conversation Thanatos snorted leaning closer to me, he was half in his seat half against Styx who was scowling and trying to get him off.

"If you ask me, she's killing the plants for their revenge on trying to kill her. I can't imagine not eating meat, it's like Minthe not pining after Hades, weird." Thanatos said under his breath so only Styx and I could hear.

"Move you giant bird, your feathers are making me itch," Styx complained as she pinched Thanatos wing.

"Hey! Don't touch the wings!" Thanatos hissed. Just to get on Styx's nerves he ruffled them in her face before sitting upright in the chair, chuckling to himself.

Styx gave him the finger and flung a French fry at him.

I laughed before saying, "My mother was a vegan, I hated it."

Hecate had a sour look on her face as I said it, "That's not good. The animals deserve our sympathy."

"Oh boy here we go again," Hypnos complained, as he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead like he was getting a headache.

"Here what goes again?" I asked cluelessly. I had no idea what Hypnos was complaining  about, Hecate was just stating her point of view on eating animals.

"Oh gosh, you triggered super vegan Hecate," Thanatos said, his eyes wide.

"You guys leave Hecate alone. She's just passionate about killing plants." Styx said with a grin as she cut a piece of her steak off and took a bite.

"Yeah! Wait hey! The plants are there for our consumption, they will grow back where an animal will never grow back! Do you know how miserable an animal is before it's slaughtered? Very miserable! Imagine getting pumped full of chemicals, poked, prodded, then killed all so some fool can eat you without appreciating the life that came from you!" Hecate ranted angrily, her left eye was twitching and there was a vein popping out on her neck.

"I mean I'm full of chemicals, get poked and prodded all the time...I'm even the god of death." Thanatos shrugged, he stabbed his steak with his fork, picking the whole thing up and waved it tauntingly at Hecate, "Doesn't mean a thing."

"It does mean a thing! These innocent animals are being ki-" Hecate began once more before getting cut off by Thanatos.

"It's the circle of life, babes." He set down his steak before clearing his throat, "THE CIIIIRRRRCCCLLLEEE OFFFF LIFEE!"

Thanatos horrible singing caused Hypnos to chuck a green bean at him.

"Boo! Go home! Your singing is horrible!" Hypnos complained. "Your not at theater singer!"

"I am home you dingwad!" Thanatos said. "I think my singing is wonderful! Don't you think Kore?"

My eyes widen. His singing was horrible. It sounded like a dying pig trying to put his cries into harmony.

I felt it was a bit harsh to tell him those exact words.

I looked up at Hades for help but he was looking down at his plate poking his food with a fork.

Some help he is.

"Uh...I think your singing is okay." I said with a smile. I didn't want to exactly be mean to the god of death who was literally born from nightmares.

I liked my life, despite how it just went to shit quicker than I could blink.

"Lier, Kore is just being nice. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings." Styx mused.

"Well, I applaud her for the effort to spare my feelings," Thanatos said. He raised his glass to me before taking a sip.

 He raised his glass to me before taking a sip

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