Chapter Twenty-Two: Michael and Veronica

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Michael's POV(WOAH GASP)

Michael was discharged from the hospital today. Of course, he was going to come back to visit his new best friend, Rich.

Ah, why new?

Because the old one, after 12 years old friendship, left him.

"Like I thaid," Rich said, his lisp showing. "Jeremy needs you tho help him. Mounthain Thew Red, remember?"

"Not like he needs me," Michael ran a hand through his messy hair. He rolled over and faced his friend. "Come' on, Rich. He doesn't want anything to do with me."

The short boy shrugged. "Ith you can't do it thor him, do it thor etheryone elth. Or, do it thor me."

Michael sighed and stood up. "Avenge you?" He asked.

"Yeth," Rich hissed and smiled. Michael returned the smile and walked towards the door.

"See ya, Rich," he waved and closed the door.

He walked in the streets, with no particular destination. He walked for hours, zoned out and ignoring the aching in his legs.

He put on headphones and played some Bob Marley. Putting on his hood, he found himself near some random plaza.

"Hey," A voice cut through his music. He felt goosebumps and shivers down his spine. Pausing his music, he turned around.

"Do you need something?" He asked. The man coughed.

"Need a drink?" He smiled wickedly. Michael wanted to slap that smile off his face.

"Um n-" he started but cut himself off as the man drew out a bottle of Mountain Dew.

Mountain Dew Red.

He shot his head up and glared at the man. "Who are you?" He hissed.

The man shrugged. "Don't want to save your friend?" He waved the bottle mockingly. Michael almost slapped the bottle out his hand.

"How," he narrowed his eyes. "Do you know?"

The man's smile grew wider. "Answer my question," he said in a singing voice.

Michael, with shaking hands, reached for the bottle. As his finger brushed against it, the man yanked the bottle back and Michael yelped, retracting his hand.

"One fifty bucks," the man stated aggressively. Michael stared in shock.

"One, one fifty?!" He choked out. The man held out his other hand.

"How bout just a hundred?" He said. Michael sighed and reached into his pocket.

"I was saving this money for the new Apocalypse of The Dammed game," he grumbled and drew out a fresh hundred dollar bill.

He smacked the money down on the man's hand, reaching for the Mountain Dew Red.

Michael quickly ran away with the bottle.


Evan's POV

Evan was visiting Connor again.

Why? Because he was a good b-friend.

He really hoped he didn't have to be alone with Connor. He hoped that Zoe was there to keep the awkward tension from happening.

We're his prayers answered? No.

There Connor sat, reading a book.

Evan closed the door behind him and sat down in a chair next to the brunette.

Connor snapped his head up and his eyes locked with Evan's. The stared at each other for a while, and then were zapped back into reality. They bother looked at each other before awkwardly breaking eye contact.


There was silence for a while. Connor had given up his book and picked at his pretty much gone nail polish. Evan was getting his cast off today I'm five hours. He decided he would see Connor before that. But, he forgot about the tension between them before hoping into his car.

"So, how a-a-are you dolling? I mean-! Uh, f-feeling, or uh, do-doing?" Evan mentally kicked himself. He meant to either say "how are you doing" or "how are you feeling".

Connor found the ground very interesting.

"Fine," He said simply.

And so the silence came back. They went back to doing their own things. Twenty or so hours went by. Connor went back to his book and Evan scrolled through pictures of trees.

"Look," Connor finally said, the sudden noise scaring the life out of the blonde boy. "we both hate the silence and are internally dying from it. Can we both agree to stop it, Evan?"

"Uh..yeah," Evan said, and he was gonna leave it at that. But then he added, "So, I'm g-getting my uh cast off t-today."

Connor smiled softly and Evan felt his heart go boom. Heat rushed to face and he hoped the brunette wouldn't notice.

"That's great," He said. "I hope your arm is still intact under that thing." He pointed at Evan's cast.

"It will be remembered if it hadn't survived," Evan said. Connor laughed softly.

Oh god, that laugh. God damn hormones.

They went back to doing their own things again. This time, they occasionally made about five minutes of small talk.

Eventually, Evan left due to his appointment in a different hospital. He waved goodbye to Connor and left, listening to Wicked on his way.

~Time Skip To After Evan Got His Cast Off~

Evan was now driving back home, feeling uncomfortable without his cast on his arm. It was dawn at this point in the day.

He stopped at a red night near a cemetery. It was just him on the road.

"KURT?! KURT!!" A loud voice suddenly boomed. Evan jumped and almost stepped on the pedal.

"You killed my best friend!" A different muffled voice shouted. Evan looked over to the cemetery, but he was at an angle where the trees blocked his vision. How convenient.

"GET OFF THE FENCE!! GET OFF THE DAMN FENCE!!!!" The first voice roared.

"I don't understand!" The second once cried out.

A minute later, there was a gunshot. Just as it was fired, the light turned back to green. Scared out of his mind, Evan slammed on the pedal and drove home. He skipped dinner and went straight to bed.

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