Chapter Thirteen: Another One

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Mostly texting here my fellow peeps

Connor's POV

"Veronica has been going cra-zy with this dude," Zoe ranted. "I don't even know his name! Like, he looks like some psycho who would blow up a school or murder three people or something! He looks hella emo! You two need to have an emo battle."

Connor rolled his eyes, flipping the page of his book. Zoe, again, was plaiting his hair. "Jealous, much?" He murmured, loud enough for his his sister to hear.

Zoe made a 'hmph' sound. Even though his back was facing her, Connor could tell she was blushing. "Am not!" She protested.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he said. Zoe smacked his head. She turned on the TV she had in her room.

"Check the news for some update on that murder freak dude," he suggested. Zoe sighed, switching the channel.

"Another body was found in a different alleyway," it said. "It wasn't the same as the first one. Their head was cut off in a precisely straight line. So, we don't know if it were a team of murders, or one."

The siblings shared a look. They nodded, pulling out their phones.



GonnaBeMoreChill: Yup, just watched it with Evan and pops

BiBirchTAKEN: Zoe, I, uh, think you're exaggerating a bit?

JazzIsMyAss: Uhm, no.

DearDiary,IHateLife: ZoZo, be nice.

GayBitchTAKEN: yea Zoe be nice 2 my boyfriend

Player1Riends: Siblings fights have begun

BiBirchTAKEN: Jeremy and I used to have those fights before...uh..

GayBitchTAKEN: wut? Ev wut happrned

GonnaBeMoreChill: What'chu tryin to say 'bout me, Evan?

JazzIsMyAss: Oh my milk Jeremy calm your tits

Player1Riends: I thought Connor told me he finished the milk yesterday night tho?

Out of the corner of his eye, Connor saw his sister's eyes widen before sighing and glaring at the screen.

DearDiary,IHateLife: 1) Damn Connor, you know Zoe's gonna give you another bruise, right? 2) Jeremy, calm your shits

GonnaBeMoreChill: Shut up.

DearDiary,IHateLife: Shit, didn't know you were on your man period, sorry

BiBirchTAKEN: Jeremy, why are you acting so, uh, angsty lately? So salty.

JazzIsMyAss: Even more than Connor?

WalkingBathBombMeme: Guys wtf I just wanna watch some Love Simon

GonnaBeMoreChill: I'm not salty. Or angsty

BiBirchTAKEN: Um...yes you have been?

YesImASmartAssBitch: Evan, please, don't worry. It'll pass. He's just on his man period.

DearDiary,IHateLife: ExACTly!

GayBitchTAKEN: alana has been summoned

GonnaBeMoreChill: I. Am. Leaving

WalkingBathBombMeme: Well Damn, didn't think he gonna be so r00d

JazzIsMyAss: Jared, what the fuck

DearDiary,IHateLife: Jared, what the fuck?

GayBitchTAKEN: jared wtf

YesIamASmartAssBitch: Jared what the heck?

Player1Riends: Wth Jared

WalkingBathBombMeme: Wow guys I'm feeling the luv

WalkingBathBombMeme: at least Ev didn't say it

BiBirchTAKEN: ....Jared what the fern

GayBitchTAKEN: u were sayin?

Player1Riends: let's hav a sleepovr

YesIAmASmartAssBitch: Michael, that was the most random thing you've said today. Sure, Murphy's house!

GayBitchTAKEN: um, when did we agree 2 dis???

JazzIsMyAss: Shut up Connor. Our house is settled.

Connor raised an eye brow at Zoe. His sister smiled back before shouting, "Mom! Dad! Our friends are coming over to have a sleep over! If you want to live, buy us some sugar!!"

The two siblings heard a sigh before the sound of a car driving rang in their ears.

"Did you tell them to buy some slushees?" Connor asked. Zoe snapped her fingers with a frustrated expression.

"Fuck! I forgot!" She exclaimed. Grabbing her phone, she quickly dialed their parents' number screaming about buying slushees before hanging up.

BiBirchTAKEN: Okay, what time?

JazzIsMyAss: Tomorrow. Come over at 10 in the morning. Ask Jeremy if he wants to come.

WalkingBathBombMeme: Cum*

YesIAmASmartAssBitch: Jared I'm going to your house I'm right now.

WalkingBathBombMeme: Shit. Wish me luck guys.

GayBitchTAKEN: Don't stay alive


BiBirchTAKEN: I would join in, but uh, I remember what happened last time, so I'll stay quiet.

BiBirchTAKEN: And I have to go help make tacos for dinner! Bi!

GayBitchTAKEN: Bye bby! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Player1Riends: Oh my Marley, be a sickeningly cute couple smwhere else

Player1Riends: Imma leave before things start to get too gay

Connor and Zoe shut their phones just as Cynthia opened the door. "We didn't know what colored marshmallow to get, and seeing how you're all so gay, we got all," she said sighing, exhausted.

The Murphy siblings raced downstairs to eat the gay marshmallows.

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