Chapter Fourteen: Sleepover! (pt 1)

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I personally hate this chapter. Especially the end. Someone help me improve it, please.

Evan's POV

Evan grabbed Jeremy's arm as they ran out the door.

Well, more like Evan ran out, dragging his brother with him.

"Oh my god Evan calm the flip down!" Jeremy laughed. Today, he was a bit...back to normal? Off his 'man period', as Alana, Veronica, and Zoe would say.

"No! I wanna g-go see my boyfriend!" Evan whined. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Just marry him already!" The redhead suggested, a smile on his face. The blonde boy turned a tomato red.

"Shut u-up, Heereshey's!" Evan pouted. He could see the Murphy's household not too far now.

"That way you can do it with him more often!" His brother shouted, wriggling his eye brows suggestively.

Evan was confused. Do what with Connor more o-often? "What do you mean?" He asked.

Jeremy shook his head. "I don't think you'd want to know," he said simply.

Evan wanted to ask about it again, but dismissed it, believing it would be some sort of rebellious thing.

"Annnnnnd we're h-here!" He exclaimed, waving jazz hands at the front door of the Murphy's.

He didn't even bother ringing the doorbell or knocking. He simply pulled a key out and literally kicked open the door.

"We have been summoned!" He announced, moving out the way so that a gaping Jeremy could walk in.

Connor ran up to his boyfriend, engulfing him in a hug. Evan laughed, sighing contently into the touch.

Zoe made a gagging noise at Jeremy, who simply took out his phone and took a picture.

"These two are literally the gayest people I've ever seen," She said. She looked over his shoulder at the phone. "Send that to me."

Evan gave Connor a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. He ran to his brother, attempting to grab the phone.

But Jeremy was taller than him. Not as tall as Connor, but taller than him.

He jumped, using all his leg power. The phone was a good foot higher than his hand. He grunted, glaring at his brother.

Zoe had ran off to the kitchen. She pulled out a bag of KitKats, throwing them at Connor, who almost hit his head on wall. He still caught them.

"Connor, no," Evan warned. Connor was a few seconds away from stuffing his throat with seven KitKats. He had thrown the bag on the floor, which still had two KitKats left.

"Connor, yes," he smirked, lifting the KitKats closer to his mouth.


The door closed shut as Jared and Michael walked in. Evan was confused yet again. What was so 'kinky' about that?

"Evan, I can tell from your face you're confused," Michael said. "And Jared just has a really dirty mind."

"Connor, yes~," Jared moaned in a high pitched voice which was supposed to sound like Evan's.

Connor and Evan blushed beet red. The taller one walked over to Jared and kicked below the belt. The short boy stumbled over, clutching it.

"Annnnnnd this is when I leave," Zoe declares, sighing. She turned back to the kitchen and started eating a Nutella sandwich.

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