Alternative Ending

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Evan's POV

Evan watched in slow motion as Connor's eyes widened and watched the bullet fly.

Evan closed his eyes, letting the bullet hit.

He felt someone push him.

He looked down. Connor had his arms rested loosely around Evan's waist.

His eyes were barely opened.

Connor gave a sad, quiet laugh. "Fuck," he whispered, looking up to meet Evan's eyes.

"Ow, Evan please don't shift your leg," He winced. Evan froze, examining Connor.

He finally found the bullet buried in his leg, blood pouring out.

"Con-Connor," he blinked back tears. "Stay a-alive. Please."

"I can't," Connor looked up again. His eyes suddenly shut closed, head and arms falling.

Evan felt his world crashing down. no no no no no no no!! Connor couldn't....he's not....Evan looked down to see a pool of blood, swimming to his legs. So, so much blood. The blonde pulled the brunette closer, hugging him tightly. He wouldn't let go. Never.

He snapped his head up when a maniacal laugh cut through the room.

"Pathetic," Mark spat out, a twisted smile plastered on his face. He raised the gun again, pointing it down at the pair.

"What are you waiting for?!" Evan shouted, his voice cracking as a waterfall fell from his eyes, not seeming to stop anytime soon. "Kill me! Isn't that what you're here for?! Just fucking kill m-!"

A loud bang.

He felt as if time froze. It felt ten years before he felt it hit. Blackness and angry red filled his vision. One last glance at his father and Evan hit the floor, next to Connor, and was gone.

Not every story had a happy ending.

That's the end. Don't grind my intestines for this alternative ending. It never happened. Unless you're evil or just hate Treebros then go ahead and celebrate the events of this ending.

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