Chapter Fifteen: Sleepover! (pt 2)

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Connor's POV

Evan walked back to Connor's side looking a little....shaken up?

"Baby, you okay?" He asked softly. Evan's ears went pink and he nodded.

"Should we continue playing?" Jeremy asked. Evan shrugged. They waited for someone to answer.

"I'll take that as a no," the red head said. For the first time, it was silent. Not even Jared said anything.

"It's five already, let's make something to eat," Alana finally said. Everyone nodded, all jumping up and walking to the kitchen at once.

Evan first raided a cabinet. He dumped all sorts of random shit Connor didn't even know they had on the counter.

He started pouring the shit into a bowl. Everyone watched him and shrugged after a while, retreating into the living room to watch TV.

Connor was the only one who stayed with him. He pulled up a chair, watching him work his magic.

Of course, he soon fell asleep.

He snapped awake at the sound of beeping. He lazily looked up to see Evan pulling it cookies from the oven. He blonde boy looked up to meet his eye.

"Oh! Connor, y-you're awake. Uh, c-cookie?" He asked. The brunette shook his head and glanced over and his eyes widened.

All their friends were stuffing their face with cookies, macaroons, cupcakes, donuts, crepes, cheesecake, pie, and other sweet looking stuff.

His mouth fell open as Evan placed more cookies on the table. Connor had turned his chair around at this point. His boyfriend walked over and sat on his lap, sighing as he laid his head on his chest.

"Did you stress-bake?" Connor asked, worried. Evan turned around and snuggled against his boyfriend.

"I....don't know," he said. Connor wrapped his arms around him and kissed his neck.

"It's okay, you feel better now, right?"

Evan nodded in his chest. He looked tired.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Showtime!" Michael shouted. Zoe and Connor laughed like crazy. Everyone else looked confused.

"It's uh..7:48?" Jeremy said. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

And so, they ended up playing truth or dare because, well, Jared.

"Truth," Michael answered Veronica. She paused to think of a question.

" you-wait no that's weird-um, you going to Kurt and Ram's party?" she finally asked. Michael shook his head.

"I got other plans," he said.

And so the game progressed. Evan seemed to have calmed down a bit, but still tense.

Before they knew it, it was already 10 pm. Connor stood up and examined the house for a moment.

Well, there was mostly food on the floor and the couch was dirty as hell, but that's fine.

At one point Jared and Michael tried to created a rainbow using sprinkles and write "Pride" under it. It didn't work out because Zoe kept on licking them off the floor.

Hey, five second rule.

Evan kept on checking his phone every so often. Connor was suspicious. If this was a fan fiction, Evan was either getting threatened or organizing their anniversary.

But this is not a fan fiction, so Connor had no idea why his boyfriend was doing that.

"Fucking shitty gay nipples," Zoe muttered. Connor turned to glance at her and give her a look.

She clapped her hands loudly. "Alright gays-and uh, four straights-we need to sort out where we're gonna sleep!"

"Uh, who the hell is the fourth straight?" Veronica asked. Zoe flipped her off.

"We have air, a couch, the floor-uhh...shit...should've told ya'll to bring sleeping bags," she kept on muttering inaudible things.

"I have one," Michael, Jeremy and Evan all announced. Zoe give them finger guns and shot up to rip it out their bags.

"We sleeping out here?" Alana asked.

"Would you rather sleep in the fucking sink?"

"Shut up, Connor."

"Ouch, my feelings."

"Are non-existent."

"Guys shut up!" Zoe shouted as she threw the sleeping bags out. "And yup, sleeping out in the wilderness we call a living room with the coke cans and chip bags."

"Fun," Jeremy said.

"I'm just gonna sleep on the couch with 'Lana," Jared declared.

"Guess 'Ronica is sleeping with Zoe," Alana said. Jared wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at them.

"Damn it's only eleven?" Zoe muttered.

Connor retreated into his room to grab blankets to sleep on. Zoe did the same, grabbing extra for Veronica.

The brunette set down the blankets, looking up to see Evan getting up from his sleeping bag. He raised an eye brow.

"I wanna sleep w-with you," he admitted shyly.

"Eww! Go to Connor's room to fuck!"

"What the hell Jared?! That's my brother!"

Evan blushed. Connor patted a space next to him, smiling as his boyfriend fell on his legs instead of next to him.

"I think my leg just fell off," he said.

"Your leg can wait."

By this time, everyone had already snuggled in. Of course, they stayed up a bit longer to talk, but around midnight, everyone decided it was time to doze off. Connor turned over to see Evan on his phone.

"What'cha doing?" He asked sleepily. He was in the stage where you are about to fall asleep, but something is dragging you to the 'awakened hole', so you wait until you're eyes grow too heavy to keep open. Yeah, he was stuck in the middle.

"N-n-nothing," Evan rushed out. He chucked his phone away, curling up next to Connor

"You sure?" His eyes began to droop. Evan hummed into his chest.

Connor wrapped a protective arm around his body and brought his closer. He heard Evan sigh contently. Finally falling out of consciousness, he fell asleep.

But he still wondered what Evan was doing on his phone.

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