Chapter Twenty-Three: The Play

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Connor's POV

He was allowed to leave after a month. Zoe had just updated the news to him on the phone.

Yes, she just got a call during class by the hospital to tell her that. So, naturally, she called Connor and started screaming about the discharge.

Connor noted to never first put on speaker.

But anyway, he was going to be out three days before the school play of whatever random crappy rip off they're playing this year.

Honestly, he's only going because Michael said he has a surprise for everyone that day.

Also said that Connor should avoid any given drink by literally anyone during school.

"Why? They put alcohol in them?" Connor had asked. "Or did they put some pill in that controls you?"

Michael has frozen and just said, "If you drink anything at all I will stop sharing my lettuce."

So yeah, he wasn't gonna drink anything.

He was currently rereading the Harry Potter series to kill time. He was currently near the end of book three.

Finally, Zoe had opened the door. "Let's goooo," she urged, grabbing Connor's book("Hey! You made me loose my page!") and throwing it into his bag full of the other books.

They had managed to start driving back home twenty minutes later.

"So, you and Evan," she started but was cut off by Connor.

"Nope," he simply said and went back to browsing arts and crafts projects on Pinterest.



"What if you just tell me wha-"

"I will steal your nail polish."

Zoe shut her mouth and focused on driving.

They finally arrived home. The hospital gave him crutches to walk on so he waited for Zoe to drag him out of the car.

As she opened the door for him, Connor walked in and was immediately deafened by, "WELCOME HOME CONNOR"

He looked around, as Zoe closed the door, at the decorations. A welcome home party? Well, free food.

Evan was there, too. However, he was Evan, so he was trying to stay hidden behind everyone while making no noise, pretending that he doesn't exist while fidgeting.

After a shower of bone crushing hugs, Connor stole a can of Pringles and made his way over to Evan.

"You must be fun at parties," he said as Evan stared blankly in front of him.

He was on pilot mode.

"W-W-Wha?" He said, snapping back into reality. "O-Oh, uh...well I-...uhm..."

"Chill." Connor(side note: my phone kept on autocorrect Connor to uppercase letters) "It was just a joke."

"R-Right," Evan breathed out and slumped into the couch. "Are you going t-to watch the p-play?"

"Hm? The school play?" Connor bit into a Pringle. "Yeah Michael told me he has some sort of plan."

"I'm only g-going because mom and Paul are making m-me," Evan groaned. "Being the o-older one and a-a-all."

"Bro now you know my pain," Connor said.

Did I just brozone him?

Evan smiled—or forced it, whichever one—and stole a Pringle.

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