Chapter Three: Getting a Job

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Evan's POV

To put it simply, Evan's mind has been a mess the past two weeks.

He couldn't sleep, and he had random panic attacks. He couldn't focus, and he wanted to cry and scream and punch something at the same time.

After Connor's attempt, Evan has been an emotional wreck.

"Evan?" Jeremy called from outside his room. "Hey. So um...can I come inside?"

Evan hesitated. But he ended up opening the door and allowing his brother inside.

"Hey, Ev, thanks," Jeremy sat on his bed, Evan followed. "So, I'm here to talk."

There it goes again, another one of Evan's outbursts.

His breathing quicken, and his eyes filled with tears. He wanted to punch something. Kick something. Or someone. Anything, really!

"Calm down, Ev," Jeremy said in a hushed tone. "It's not something bad."

Evan started doing the breathing exercises Connor had taught him. They always worked. Not just because of the exercises, but because of the thought of Connor caring enough to help him through panic attacks warmed Evan's heart.

His breathing was soon back to normal. "Sorry," He said. "So what did you want to t-talk about?"

Jeremy smiled softly at them. "We were um thinking that maybe you should get a job to clear your head? You know, to distract you?"

Evan thought for a moment. It didn't really sound like a bad idea.

"We uh got you some job applications," the red head went on. "just in case you choose these."

He handed Evan six pieces of paper. "I'll be going now, bye Ev," Jeremy gave a little wave before leaving out the door, closing it behind him.

Evan looked through the applications. His eyes first caught the attention for Starbucks.

"Evie, did you steal my hoodie again?"

Evan turned around sheepishly at his boyfriend. They had only gotten together two days ago, and Evan's life has never been better!

"Aha! You've been caught!" Connor pointed accusingly at the hoodie Evan was currently in.

"I can't help it!" Evan protested. "It's comfy! And it s-smells like you!"

Connor laughed. His laugh was beautiful, like music to Evan's ears. "What do I smell like?"

Evan took a quick sniff of the hoodie. "Coffee and weed," he observed. "Is the coffee f-from Starbucks?"

Connor wrapped his arm around Evan's waist, hugging him form the side and kissed his neck. The smaller boy gave a small yelp.

"Yup, it's from Starbucks," Connor answered, kissing Evan's neck again. Evan huffed and turned around, kissing Connor fully on the lips.

"Starbucks it is, then," Evan muttered. He quickly filled out the paper. Maybe he could make Connor a drink when he wakes up?

He grabbed the paper, and ran out the door. "I'm heading out f-for a bit!" He called before closing the door shut.

The Starbucks near Connor's house was conveniently hiring. Evan opened the door gently.

There were only two customers, drinking their coffee at a table. It was odd, considering how many Evan saw before when he walked past it.

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