Chapter Nineteen: Please

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TW: Abuse, blood, gun, attempted murder, mentions of abuse, homophobic slurs, encouragement to kill themselves, cussing, mentions of suicide attempts

Evan's POV

People make mistakes.

Evan made mistakes.

But he never, ever, messed up this bad.

What was he thinking?!

How could he break up with Connor like that? Over the phone, too!

Connor doesn't deserve this. Evan pushed his phone away from him after Connor hung up.

He banged his head against the wall, crying. He was so stupid!

His phone dinged. Evan quickly picked it up, thinking it was from Connor. His hopes flickered out when he read it.

Unknown: Time's up

Evan groaned. He tossed his phone away, not even caring that it would break.

He sat down on the table, putting his head in his hands.

Sucking in a breath of air, he let the tears fall again. He was trying to hold them back. It wasn't working.

He need someone to talk to.

You only ever talk to Connor what you're like this.

Evan frowned. He went through his contacts, debating on calling who.

BiBirchTAKEN: Jared?

WalkingBathBombMeme: Zoe told me wut happened

WalkingBathBombMeme: Change ur username

Evan frowned again.

HansenEvan: Better?

WalkingBathBombMeme: yes and if ur here for me to comfort u im not gonna

WalkingBathBombMeme: wut u did 2 connor was horrible

HansenEvan: I'm sorry.

WalkingBathBombMeme: don't tell me that

WalkingBathBombMeme: so u got wut u always wanted huh

Evan clicked out of Jared and his conversation. He went to talk to Michael before the boy beat him to it.

Player1riends: Evan what the fuck?!

Player1riends: U can't just do that to Connor!

Evan's eyes decided it would be fun to shed more tears. He got another text.

Unknown: Doesn't look like your friends are very happy with you, does it?

Evan looked out the window. He watched as the rain slowly disappeared.

He closed his eyes. He didn't know how long it's been. The rain had stopped.

Without the small 'pit pat's, it seemed so quiet. The house felt so big, and he felt so small.

It was dead silent. He opened his eyes.

He shivered. Not the I'm-very-cold shiver. The I-feel-Like-I'm-in-a-horror-movie kind.

The top stairs creaked.

Evan blinked slowly, looking down at the table.


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