Chapter Ten: Squip? No, Jeremy, no.

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Oof sorry it's such a late update. I had a realllllllly busy day. So this isn't gonna be that long, due to the fact my lazy ass won't get up and write something.

Evan's POV

After the wedding, Evan went back home. Connor left, sadly. Well, it was midnight.

The blonde boy collapsed onto his bed, groaning in satisfaction. His parents-that was a plural word he wasn't used to-were on a honeymoon. Ew. He sighed as Jeremy and Michael burst in through his door.

"Evan! Stop trying to sleep!" Jeremy urged. "We all know you drank coffee." Michael hummed in agreement.

Evan rolled over, facing the younger boys. "What did you n-need this time?"

Michael gasped in fake offense. "Why do you assume we always ask you to do something?"

Evan raised and eyebrow at him. "Last time you went in h-here, you guys wanted me to make cookies. And then b-before that you wanted me to do some weird thing for coupons for a v-video game. And then the t-time before that you wanted me to go buy boba for you. A-And then-"

"Okay okay, we get it," Jeremy said, holding his hands up in surrender. "But we're only here to ask about playing Apocalypse of the Dammed with us."

Evan thought for a moment. Sure, he drank a lot of coffee, wasn't tired, was bored, and didn't have school tomorrow, but did he really want to?

"Sure," he shrugged. "I can help you b-beat the level you couldn't."

Jeremy hit his arm playfully as Michael huffed. The three made their way to Jeremy's room, which already had three controllers and the video game ready.

Michael and Jeremy took the two bean bags they always sat on and Evan sat the floor.

They logged on, choosing their avatars. Evan watched as Jeremy scrolled down to select the level.

"Still on ten?" He asked, amused. Michael threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up," he whined. "It's hard." The screen loaded and the three were spawned into the game.

"So," Jeremy said as the trio began the game. "Rich said there was this thing called a squip that would make me cool and get Christine."

Michael's face fell before quickly morphing into a curious one. Evan hummed.

"It's at Payless. So, like, what do you think?"

Michael frantically tried to escape a heard of zombies. Evan helped him, obviously. "He's scamming you," Michael said. "Scamming you super weirdly."

Jeremy brushed hair off of his face. "Okay, but-but what if he's not? I mean this could be huge!"

Evan rolled his eyes as Jeremy continued, "All I have to do is give the guy..." Jeremy's face fell in realization. "Six hundred...that is totally scamming me. But I'm doomed to be a loser till the end of the world! And probably after that, too!"

Michael dropped his controller and placed a hand of his best friend's back. Evan yelped as both the other boy's characters were attacked.

He looked over at the other two, rolling his eyes when he found them staring into each other.

They're practically flirting with their eyes.

"No way!" Michael said sternly. "Dude you're cooler than a vintage cassette!"

Evan smiled and set his controller down, watching the scene.

"It's just that those others brainless guys don't think that! But it's no big! You have me, Evan and Connor! We're a team!"

Jeremy smiled. Evan could clearly see the blush on his face. He smirked to himself, winking at Michael.

The other boy looked confused before widening his eyes and turned red. He removed his hand and grabbed his controller.

Jeremy did the same and the three restarted the game. "Nobody here appreciates but soon we'll be together where they do," Michael reassured.

"Your guy's wedding?" Evan suggested. The pair blushed.

"No! Guys like us are cool in college!" Michael shouted. Evan chuckled. Until Jeremy's alarm rang, the whole time was filled with teasing, laughing, gaming, anger and frustration.

The continued to play the game until two o'clock. They didn't best level ten.

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