Happy Father's Day!

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Happy Father's Day everyone! If it's not where you are... It's Father's Day in here! (Ha...this is why I didn't socialize)

Annnnyyyywayyyyy! I have some angst for ya next chapter, so, I decided to give you some short stories as a little gift. Father's Day themed!

Connor: So, you're saying I have to appreciate this...old man that is related to me for giving me life?

Alana: Yup! Show your respect and love for him!

Connor to Larry: I hate you for making me alive.
Zoe: Michael! What you doing for Father's day?

Michael: Go ask my two mothers.
Evan: What am I suppose to do?!

Jeremy: I asked you this on Mother's Day, just do wht you told me.

Evan: But-

Jeremy: Just go get him a baseball glove.
Jared: Who the fuck is even my dad?

Alana: Ah, same here, Jared. Same here.
Connor and Evan: The only man that I love is my dad.

Larry and Paul: But aren't you two-

Connor: Shut the fuck up Larry and let the fandom rise.

Evan: God dammit you broke the fourth wall again.
Veronica: Hi dad. I'm dating a guy who I killed three people with! Happy Father's Day!

Veronica's dad: *sighs* When I was your age, we had a lot better gifts that words.
Connor: *Can make a masterpiece of a Father's Day card but can't because he's lazy and totally likes his dad*

Jeremy: *Too busy being an asshole to make a card*

Jared: *Can and will make it something to do with bathbombs*

Alana: *just writes 'happy fathers day' on the blank white card*

Zoe: *Must make it jazzzzzyyyyyy*

Evan: *Will spend lots of time on it and will draw a tree*

Michael: *Family is too gay*

Veronica: *Will just go buy it at Walmart*

And boom! That's it! I was trying to come up with funny ones so that you could be satisfied.

I'm not funny, so I made it short.

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