Chapter Twenty-Four: We Have Such Great Luck

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Evan's POV

"Welp, hopefully all the shit has calmed down," Connor said. "I don't understand why all this bullshit is happening."

He, Evan, Zoe, Alana, and Jared were all visiting Jeremy in the hospital. After a long story of explaining the cases of events of the squip.

"Knowing us, someone had died already," Jared said, glancing up for a split second before returning back to his phone, scrolling through memes.

"Please don't jinx it..." Alana moaned. "We don't need that, thank you very much."

Jared gave her a dramatic expression of shock and betrayal.

The group had a sort of silent understanding. They understood each other without talking. Jared and Michael can communicate fluently with just looking at each other.

Evan didn't know if he should be as scared about their ability as he should.

And now, they all sat in silence, and they understood the silence.

"Who's turn is it to give Jer his homework?" Zoe suddenly asked.


The six teenagers snapped their attention towards Michael, who had just appeared through the door.

"Can you pretend you burnt it?" Jeremy asked hopefully. Evan noticed Michael wince slightly but laughed.

"Nah, we all had to do it," he walked towards his best friend. "It's not fair you didn't."

Jeremy huffed. Alana gave the signal for them to leave the two boys alone.

"If they don't start dating I'm going to start screaming bloody murder," Jared said.

"No," everyone responded automatically at once.

~Time Skip~

"If you pay, you can sTAAAAAY-" Evan voice cracked and he started coughing.

"Nope," Alana said. "Only Connor can do it so far." She reluctantly sent Jared a nod, indicating for him to try.

Jared cleared his throat and sang, "If you pay, you can stayyyyyyyyyy!~"

Evan's, and probably everyone else's, jaw dropped. He struggled to find words (Although, he always did) to say after Jared's performance.

Jared looked expectantly at them. "Well?" He asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "How 'bout it?"

"I think...." Alana cast a glance at Connor, and he nodded. "You get the fifty dollars."

Now it was Jared's turn to drop his jaw. "What?" He croaked out. "M-me? (Evan thought he saw him wince at the stuttering) Are you sure?"

"Yes..?" Alana said uncertainly about Jared's doubt. She reached in her bag and pulled out the five ten dollars everyone gave and handed it to Jared, who took it with slightly shaky hands.

Jared's mood seemed to suddenly change, "Of course I'd win!"

"Let's see," Alana glanced down at her phone. "Justin said to just binge watch random thugs we find on Netflix next."

Zoe bounced up from the chair and skipped down into the living room, the others following suit.

"Let's see what shit this thing throws at us."

~Time Skip!~

Evan woke up groggily, having been under Jared, who had fallen off the couch and onto him. Pushing the boy away,(With much difficultly) Evan got up and stretched.

He quickly recalled what happened yesterday.

They binge watched a bunch of shows(Evan didn't remember much because he fell asleep), ordered five pizza's, added chips(Jared and Zoe kept calling them "chaps") to them, placed a burrito in the center, and rolled it up like a burrito.

Jared was the only one who finished his.

Then, they all had the idea(Mainly Jared and Zoe) to chug alcohol. As Jared and Zoe started off, Connor joined in. Alana soon dropped and grabbed a bottle.

Evan, being the mom friend he was, stayed sober the whole time.

He quickly made some pancakes, and waited for his friends to wake up.

Glancing at his phone, he read that they only had five minutes left before school started.


Evan took a speaker and connected it to his phone. He plugged his ears.


Everyone woke up screaming in terror.

"E-Everyone!" Evan cried over the screams, shutting off his phone, cutting off the music. "We gotta
g-get to school!"

After a quick two minutes of panic and confusion, the group set off to school.

"We have an assembly today," Connor moaned miserably. Alana launched into a lecture about how important assemblies were.

"No, no Alana. Shut up. They are not."

~Time Skip!~

Evan zoned out during the assembly. He wanted to run away. His gut was telling him to run away.


Students started screaming. Evan looked around hastily, panicking and confused. He felt someone grab his arm.

Looking down, he saw a star bracelet on one hand and three loose hair ties on the other, knowing immediately that it was Zoe.

Everything else was a daze, and he soon found himself in the halls.  He turned his head and his eyes widened.

Veronica Sawyer was walking down the hall, covered in ash and ripped clothes. Her hair was messed up badly, and she had a smug face on.

Evan saw Heather McNamara run towards her. Shocked, he saw Veronica grab Heather mid sentence and pressed her lips against hers.

But...Isn't she dating JD?

Leaving the girl confused and shocked, Veronica made her way to Evan, Connor, Zoe, Alana, Jeremy, Michael, and Jared.

"Sorry for being an asshole," she said sincerely. "So, I was wondering"—she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly—"If you guys were up for it, we could pop some Jiffy Pop? Rent a video? Something with a happy ending?" She smiled.

The group exchanged looks, and at once, engulfed her in a hug.

"Let's just be seventeen," she said.

"Yeah," Zoe breathed out, glad to have her friend back. "Also, what was that explosion?"

"I'll explain later," she said simply.

Evan felt a hand placed on top of his, then was quickly pulled away. He looked up and saw Connor sending him an apologetic look, face full of guilt.

Evan wrapped his hand around his and smiled warmly at him.

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