Chapter Five: Connor Finally Makes an Entrance

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If ya really want a happy ending, there's a %60 chance there's gonna be a shit ton of angst 😉. But hey! Maybe I'll feel nice! Maybe.

Evan's POV

Two months flew by. During the first month, Connor had been flatlining almost five times a week.

He went down to only one or two a week towards the end of the second month.

Evan took this as a good sign. Any movement Connor made was a good sign.

The blonde boy has been getting better himself. Less outbursts, and he was a bit more relaxed.

Rich apparently ended up giving Jenna Rolan the real truth. She had been spreading it all over the school.

A few "hope you get well mentally" cards were sometimes found in his locker. They brought a smile to his face.

Evan was currently visiting Connor, holding his hand while telling the brunette about his day.

"And then, M-Michael just went crazy!" He chuckled. "He literally screamed and r-ran out the door, before coming back inside soaking wet because it was r-raining."

Evan had met Michael not too long after his first shift at Starbucks. The filipino boy was...interesting.

"Let me tell you," he went on. "never ever play A-Apocalypse of the Dammed with J-Jeremy without Michael and beat level nine. He i-ignored Jeremy for an entire two hours before the two made up again. I can't b-believe I'm saying this, but Jared giving me that video g-game wasn't actually a bad idea."

Connor stirred a bit. Evan was used to this, but it still got him nervous and excited. The brunette would sometimes stir before going back to stillness.

But this time, Connor made a small groaning noise. Evan sucked in a sharp breath.

Connor's beautiful brown eyes slowly fluttered open. He blinked a few times before groaning and sitting up fully.

His eyes locked with Evan's. And then it was just them. What came before everything didn't count at all. Nor matter.

Evan let out a gasp before pulling Connor into a tender kiss. It lasted for a second before Connor pulled away abruptly.

Hurt crossed Evan's eyes before turning into concern and confusion. He reached out a hand to touch his boyfriend.

Connor was hugging his knees to his chest, breathing heavily into it.

"C-Connor?" Evan whispered quietly. The taller boy stiffened. He looked up from his knees, tears streaming down his eyes. He shook his head.

"I'm...I'm going to g-get the nurse, okay?" The smaller on asked softly. "And then we can t-talk later."

Connor nodded and sniffed. Evan got up from his chair before sprinting down the hallway to get a nurse.

A minute later, Evan and a whole crew of doctors and nurses burst in through he door.

Connor was in the same position, crying. He looked up when the door hit the wall with a loud bang.

The doctors ran to his side while nurses checked his heart rate.

"How do you feel right now?" One of them asked gently. Connor sniffed. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

He looked at the doctors in horror. Evan looked back, shocked. Had the rope cut off some his vocal cords?

Connor started coughing. They were dry coughs, as if he hadn't had water in two and a half months.

Oh wait..he didn't.

Evan rushed to the sink to get him a glass. Doctors were trying to calm him down, patting his back.

Handing the cup over, Connor looked at it, then at Evan, and then back to the drink. Carefully with shaky hands, Connor reached out and chugged it down.

After handed the plastic cup back to Evan, he opened his mouth to try again. His voice was hoarse, and it was obvious his voice cracked and was hard to make out, "I....I feel"

Doctors gave him a small nod. "We'll get you some water and call your parents. Here's some pain killers, if you need them."

They left, leaving Connor and Evan alone.

It was, to say the least, awkward.

Evan cleated his throat. "Uh, so, I've b-been uh-I mean-so-um-....I your l-letter."

Connor hummed in response. He picked at his nails, which still had chipped black nail polish on.

"And I just-I'm-I'm sorry," He stammered. Connor stopped picking his nails and looked up to meet his eye.

"I'm sorry!" He cried out, tears flowing down. "I know I s-should've given you a chance to explain but I didn't a-and now look at the mess I made and you a-almost DIED and you deserve so much better than m-me I'm n-not good for you!"

Connor nodded slowly. "So..." he choked out, voice still hoarse. "You're....not mad at me?"

Evan frantically shook his head. "Why WOULD I be?! You d-didn't do ANYTHING! It was MIGUEL that forced you! A-and of COURSE I'm not M-MAD at YOU! I LOVE you so WHY would I ever be MAD at y-you?!"

Connor pulled Evan into a hug, crying into his shoulder. Evan hugger back, rubbing his back comforting.

"Wait," he said. "You're not m-mad at me, right?" Connor laughed.

"Never. Well, maybe I would be mad at you for an hour or so for something you did, but I could never stay mad," he reassured.

Evan sighed happily into his boyfriend. Are they still boyfriends?

"Connie, are we still a t-thing? You know, after all that's happened and it's b-been so long."

"Of course, unless you don't want us to be. That's totally fine."

"I do, I love you."

"Love you more."

"No, I love you more."

The two boys were now hugging each other, arguing about who loved who more for about ten minutes.

And that's when the Murphy's came in.

"CONNOR OMIGOSH MY BABY!" Cynthia shouted as she flung open the door. Evan and Connor pulled away from each other and looked over at the women. She had tears in her eyes.

Cynthia ran over to her son and engulfed him in one of those mom hugs. Connor tensed for a bit before hugging back.

Larry and Zoe stepped in after. Zoe was in happy tears, and Larry was smiling with watery eyes.

"Son, I'm glad you made it," he said. And that was what broke Connor.

He started sobbing into his mother, gasping for air. Her hair was a mess due to the tears Connor gushed out.

Evan watched as Zoe and Larry joined the hug, and for the first time in forever, the family was together. They were happy.

Connor even had a faint smile plastered on his face.

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