Chapter Eleven: News?

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Just gonna say Evan and Connor are gonna *cough cough* kiss intently *cough cough* Also, it's not 12:00 yet, so technically I still updated today.

Evan's POV

Evan was currently eating soggy cereal at 6 am on a Sunday. Michael went with Jeremy to who knows where.

He took another bite, crunching it. He cringed, tasting the soggy texture.

His phone dinged. Evan picked it up.


GayBitchTAKEN: hey ev can i crash at ur house

BiBirchTAKEN: Yeah sure. What time?

Evan had sent that text five minutes ago. It was read, but not answered. Was his boyfriend seriously leaving him on read?

He soon finished the cereal, not enjoying the sogginess one bit. He cleaned the bowl, before laying on the couch.

It was quiet. Heidi was at work. So was Paul. It was just him.

That is until the door flung open.

Evan yelped, falling off the furniture. He rubbed his head, glaring at Connor.

His boyfriend smiled widely at him. "Didn't know you were there!" He said, cheerfully.

Evan got up, sitting down on the couch. "How did you even k-know where the spare key was?"


"Of course."

Connor sat down next to him, kissing his cheek. "What were you doing?" He asked as Evan sat on his lap, facing him.

His arms latched onto his neck, staring into his eyes wit a serious face. Connor was a little intimidated by this look.

"Eating my soggy Captain Crunch," he whispered. There was silence.

Connor blinked, nodding. They stared at each other's eyes for a few more minutes before both exploding with laughter.

When they calmed down, Connor cupped Evan's face and pressed his lips against his own. Evan made a muffle noise of surprise, before melting into it.

The rest was a blur, but Evan was in pure bliss.

His arms were grabbing Connor's hair, tangled in the curls.

His tongue was swirling in the blonde boy's.

They were noticeably closer. Their chests were touching, almost as if they were glued together.

He didn't know when, but Connor was trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck.


The door bell rang.

The pair yelped, Evan almost falling off, again.

"Evan! Open the door! I don't know why the key isn't there, but it's not and I know you're home!" A voice, unmistakably Jeremy's, shouted.

Evan and Connor stared at each other, before falling into their own world of 'holy flip what just happened'.

Evan got off the couch, walking over and opening the door.

Jeremy and Michael walked in, arms full of bags. Jeremy walked in, placing them in a big pile.

"Oh, hey Connor," he waved. The brunette glanced at the redhead's friend.

"Hey, who are you?" He furrowed his eyebrows with a small smile on his face. "Who is this kid what's he gonna do?"

Michael's eyes widened before laughing. Evan, also understanding the reference, laughed along.

Jeremy stood there awkwardly. He seemed to have no idea what was so funny.

"Hey, Connor, Evan, why are your faces so red?" He asked. "Also, Connor, what happened to your hair?"

Michael looked over at Connor, examining him. "Yeah dude, you're like, a tomato," he looked over at Evan. "You too."

The blonde boy grew even more embarrassed when his brother walked over and examined him.

"Are those hickeys?!" He exclaimed, suddenly grabbing Evan's shoulders. Michael walked over, gasping when he noticed the marks.

Jeremy turned over to Connor, who was a blushing, embarrassed mess. "What did you do?" The redhead asked sternly.

Connor avoided eye intact. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"J-Jeremy, b-back off," Evan said, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing. His brother looked between the couple, then at his best friend, before sighing and shaking his head.

"I'm letting him off with a warning this time," Jeremy said. Michael snickered.

"Anyway," the Filipino boy said. "My name is-not Alexander Hamilton-Michael. Michael Mell."

"I'm Connor," the tall boy introduced. "Murphy. I'm fucking gay."

Evan smiled, still blushing. He walked over and collapsed into his boyfriend. The brunette played with his short hair before looking over at Jeremy and Michael, who also sat down.

"Turn on the news or something," The redhead suggested. Connor looked around for the remote before switching the TV on.

"-found at 7:39 am." (I don't know what these people are called. The people who talk about the news and stuff, I mean, so I'm just gonna say the TV was saying it. People please help me so I can edit it later) The TV said.

Everyone exchanged a glance. "It was not discovered who committed the murder, but a knife was found embedded into the body," it continued.

Now, Evan had lifted his head up and stared at the screen. A picture of a man that looked to be around his twenties popped up as the TV continued, "the police are looking into the case this very moment. To stay safe, everyone please remain indoors this week."

The channel switched to a commercial about juice. The four stared at the electronic device in shock.

"Wow," Jeremy whispered. "Some murderer is out there."

Now it had finally sunk in. A murderer was loose out there. A murderer could be in their country, or state, or city, or even neighborhood! A murderer was murdering people like a murderer!

He felt lips press against his forehead. Evan looked up to see Connor staring back down at him with soft eyes.

"It's okay, Ev," He soothed. "It'll be alright, for forever." (OoH anYonE rEmeMber tHis???)

Evan nodded, closing his eyes and breathing the scent of coffee and weed of his boyfriend's hoodie.

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