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(It's on the Fandom page, in case you didn't know. It says his birthday is 4/20. Was that on purpose, DEH?)

So, anyway, we have a special one shot for today! Haha, I just thought I'd update two chapters today for the special occasion :p

Anyways, here ya go!

Connor's POV

Sun hit Connor's face as he woke up groggily. Groaning, Connor flipped over to his side.

He closed his eyes again, listening to the calming chirpping of the morning birds. Sighing peacefully, Connor almost drifted back into sleep.

But he jolted up.

He sat still, listening intently. The house was dead silent. "Zoe?" He called out. His voice echoed through the house.

No response.

"Mom? Dad?" He tried again. Again, no answer. Glancing at his clock, Connor realized with a rush of panic that he had ten minutes left until school started.

Throwing on the first set of clothes he found, Connor dashed out the house, skipping breakfast.

He checked his phone, which was blank with no messages. He had thought it was strange, considering how his boyfriend, Evan, would always text him a good morning.

As he flung open the school doors, Connor sprinted to his first class, seeing how school had already started.

He finally stepped into the classroom when his teacher was already calling out his name for attendance for, supposedly, the third time.

"I'm here!" He exclaimed, panting. The class turned their attention towards him. The teacher nodded.

"Get in your seat," she commanded. Connor walked to his desk before sitting down, suspicious. Normally, Ms. Flemming would be scolding him for being late. She didn't even sound remotely angry.

Class carried on like this. Connor was surprised he survived until lunch, longing for Evan.

He scanned the sea of teenagers, finally spotting the dirty blonde with the rest of his friends at a table in the corner. He approached them.

"Hey," he said, plopping down to sit next to his boyfriend. Alana hummed, acknowledging him. Jared gave him awkward finger guns that were not filled with his normal confidence.

"H-hey, Connor," he said, voice cracking slightly. Connor raised an eyebrow at him. Jared just scratched the back of his neck with an awkward laughter.

"What's up with Mr. MemeWizard?" The taller male asked. Evan hugged him from his side, snuggling his face into his neck.

"We don't really know. He won't tell u-us anything," Evan answered, but there was an odd tone in his voice.

Zoe clicked her tongue, snapping her fingers to point at Evan. "So, Connor, what's one thing you've always wanted?" Alana asked.

Evan shot her a look. She shot one back. This went on for a while. It was as if they were communicating through their eyes. Zoe tapped Alana and did some weird hand gestures.

Alana nodded. "I heard Jeremy and Michael finally got together."

Connor raised another eyebrow at her. Jared sighed suddenly. Woah, the Jared Kleinman, sighing?

The lunch bell rang. Connor threw away his non-eaten lunch. Evan kissed his cheek before waving goodbye and walking to his class.

The rest of day was oddly quiet. Well, for him it was. Evan didn't walk with him because he had a therapist appointment and Jared had to drive him.

Zoe had band practice and Alana had a club meeting.

Are they ignoring me?

No, stop Connor, don't think so negative. It's just a coincidence everyone was busy and was acting strange.


Connor was slightly pissed at this. A layer of sadness layered that.

He gloomily walk home. Unlocking it was a sigh, Connor opened the door to find...decorations?


Connor yelped, jumping a bit. His parents, Zoe, Alana, Evan and Jared were all there. Were those party hats?

Connor squinted his eyes at them. "Wh-What is this?" He asked with pure confusion.

His family shared a glance. Evan made his way towards him and gave him a gentle kiss.

"Baby, it's your b-birthday! Did you forget?" He asked. Connor stared dumbstruck at everyone.

"My birthday?" He whispered. Tears formed in his eyes. He wiped them frantically as they steamed down.

Evan started panicking a little. "Do you not l-like it? Ohmigosh we shouldn't h-have done this without asking you! Oh my god I'm so sorry! It w-was my idea and I-"

Connor cut him off with a kiss. "Babe, calm down. It's fine. I just..haven't had a birthday party since I was eight. Really, nobody really said anything those days, so I just forgot about my birthday entirely."

His family had an 'oh' expression on, which was laced with guilt.

"So you're not mad?" Evan asked. Connor shook his head. His boyfriend beamed at him and dragged him to the rest.

"What time is it?" Larry asked, hoping to signal for the party to start but instead, he got something very different.






Larry had a mask of confusion on. The teenagers burst out laughing.

The rest of the day was filled with party games, a piñata, food, cake, presents, truth of dare, a makeout session and a sleepover.

"Okay, let's be honest here, who sleeps at 9?" Zoe asked. Nobody raised their hand. Alana didn't either, surprisingly.

"Musical marathon!!" She sang. Other cheered in agreement.

Everyone snuggled up with each other on the couch, watching Heathers first.

It was the best birthday Connor had.

And BAM! Being honest here, I didn't really have a way to end it :/

Also, I made art! (It's really bad but I'm just posting it because I spent two hours on that so don't make fun of it)

Also, I made art! (It's really bad but I'm just posting it because I spent two hours on that so don't make fun of it)

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This is not any part of the one shot. It's kinda what I think would happen at Connor's birthday with the original story :p

I hate the coloring and Michael and Jared just looks super weird and I didn't have any idea on what Veronica would wear and my colors were just AUGH!

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