Chapter Twenty-Five: Together?

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Third Person POV

Everything was mostly back to normal. Every since Veronica came back into their group, it seems as if the last piece of the puzzle was placed.

But, it just wasn't.

Connor lied awake at night, thinking about Evan. He was confused. He didn't know what to think of Evan now.

Evan was the same. He deeply regretted breaking up. He wanted Connor back, but was too afraid of rejection.

Zoe was also having trouble. She didn't want a significant other. She felt completely fine on her own. Was that normal?

But Evan was also troubled by something else. His father-Mark.

He wondered if he was still in New York, or if he was back in Colorado. The murders all stopped abruptly after Mark made his appearance in Evan's house.

He decided to forget about the incident, focusing on Connor for now.

"Wanna hang out?" Evan had timidly asked after school.

"Yeah sure," Connor had answered. "I'll  pick you up at six. I wanna show you something."

Evan was very nervous about what Connor wanted to show him. He had went through his closet, searching the deepest depths of it.

He found many clothes hidden, not even remembering where they came from.

He settled with an oversized blue hoodie and khakis. Simple.

He sat and stared at the window, growing anxious at every passing car.

He zoned out, and jumped when he heard a loud honk. Taking a deep breath, Evan grabbed his phone, slipped on his blue converse and pushed open the door.

He approached the car. "Hi," he said, opening the door and sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Hey," Connor replied with a warm smile. Evan glanced at him as the car started, before quickly looking away.

Connor had his chair in bun. His signature jacket was unzipped over his dark purple shirt, and he wore ripped black jeans, like always. His black nail polish looked newly coated.

~Time Skip~

Connor had noticed Evan was zoned out, out in his own weird world. Was something bothering him? Connor mentally slapped himself. What else could be on his mind?

His father, the deaths, the murders.

He pulled up and parked, which seemed to have pulled Evan back into the horrible reality.

"Where are-" Evan had cut himself off. He gaped at their location.

"Woah." He breathed out. He unbuckled himself and jumped out the car, Connor following suit.

They slowly walked towards it. It was empty.

"Why did you b-bring me here?" Evan asked quietly. Connor shrugged.

"Memories, I suppose," he responded. The park didn't seem to have changed since eleven years ago.

"Remember t-this?" Evan asked as they approached the swings, smiling. He ran his fingers down the bars.

"Yeah," Connor breathed out. The two males sat on each swing, sitting in silence.

Now was the best time ask, right? Ask him, come on Evan. Just ask. Or just talk about it. Get on the subject! Or apologize for it!

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