Chapter Twenty: Recovering

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Evan's POV

Evan pushed open the door. He watched Connor sleep peacefully. He walked over, grabbing his hand.

"How'd y-your surgery go?" He asked. "Did you feel it? Or d-did they put you on m-medication? Or were y-you just unconscious?"

Connor gave a small smile, squeezing his hand.

"I have no idea. I don't remember anything at all," he whispered. "But it was tiring."

"Sorry I w-woke you," Evan whispered back, matching his volume. He pulled his hand back.

"It's fine," Connor yawned. "Exactly how long have a been here?"

"Two day Connor, two days."



"I'm sorry," Evan sighed. Connor sat up, wincing as he did so.

"Shut up," he said. "Like I said before-"

"Everything t-that happened wasn't my fault, b-but my biological d-dad's," Evan cut him off, remembering the same thing Connor would tell him whenever the blonde apologized.

Connor sighed. "So get that through your thick skull, Hansen,"  he snapped.

Evan almost flinched. Was Connor mad at him? It felt....weird to hear Connor call him Hansen.

"Um...the, the doctor s-said that your f-family's coming," Evan mumbled, picking at his cast. His mother had gotten a call from the doctor a few weeks ago, informing her that he was going to get his cast off next month. He would miss Connor's name on it, but definitely not that cast prisoning the arm Evan wasn't even sure he still had.

"Did you say something?" Connor laid back down and turned, so that his back was facing Evan.

"Uh, the d-doctor, the doctor said your um f-family's coming to, to see y-you," Evan grew more anxious.

Connor hummed in response. They both fell silent again, not knowing what to say. Awkward.

About ten or fifteen minutes later, Connor's family showed up. They shot questions at him, not leaving any time for him to answer before they started asking again.

"I'm fine," Connor said when Zoe had yelled "Shut up".

"What happened?" Cynthia asked as a doctor walked in.

"Shot in the leg," he answered. Cynthia covered her mouth and started sobbing. She leaned into her husband as Larry wrapped an arm around.

Zoe glared at Evan and he cowered under her gaze. "How?" She asked him.

Connor made eye contact with Evan before looking to the floor. The room fell silent.

"Was it...." Zoe trailed off. "An attempt?"

Cynthia gasped in the background.

"He had many open cuts on his arms," the doctor chimed in. "But he was in this boy's," he gestured to Evan, "house when we arrived. The boy was also the one who called us."

"Did you have anything to do with this, Evan?" Zoe demanded, taking a step towards him. He was honestly terrified or her glare.

"Um, w-well-" Evan started, but Connor cut him off, "Zoe, drop it."


"Drop it."

Zoe glances back at Evan before sighing and walked to sit next to Connor.

"Why did you have cuts on your arm, baby?" Cynthia asked softly. She had moved to sit in a pull up chair with Larry.

Connor didn't respond. Instead, he looked at Evan with a blank expression.

The blonde boy felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Those scars were made because Evan broke up with Connor. Evan had hurt(Fun Fact: When I wrote "hurt", it got autocorrected to "Burr" and it didn't have any spelling errors) Connor.

"These two haven't told us exactly what happened," the doctor explained. "Do you think-you know, since you're family-you can get them to?"

The doctor left after receiving a nod from Cynthia.

She turned to her son, opening her mouth to speak, but Connor beat her to it.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he hissed out, sitting up again.

"I have a guess on the cuts!" Zoe announced. Connor looked up at her with worry.


"Shut up Connor!"

The blonde girl cleared her throat. He glanced at Evan and then back to her parents.

"Evan....broke up with Connor," she stated. "I think the cuts were because of that."

Connor looked down shamefully. He picked out his almost completely gone black nail polish.

"Why....why would you do that?" Larry asked Evan, confused.

Oh hey look! The ground is pretty interesting. Hm, is that a hair? Wonder who that is. Oh, sorry, did you say something? I couldn't hear you...haha....

Larry cleared his throat. "I asked why you would do that, Evan."

"Dad," Connor looked surprised he used that word. "Just...drop it? Maybe we'll talk about this some other day. When I'm ready and not on a bunch of medications to suppress the pain in my leg."

They reluctantly nodded. Zoe placed a hand on his shoulder.

"How are you doing? Overall, I mean," she asked. Connor sighed.

"I'm recovering."

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