Chapter Two: Visits

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Evan's POV

Evan was woken up by his brother.

"Handsoap! Come on get up! We're gonna be late!" Jeremy whined. Evan sighed and sat up.

Jeremy was already dressed, a pancake in his mouth. Evan shooed him out of his room to change.

After putting on a green striped shirt and Connor's jacket, Evan walked downstairs. Heidi was making another pancake and Paul was reading a newspaper.

Evan has never expected to walk downstairs to see a family. His family.

Jeremy shoved a plate of pancakes at him. "Come onnnnnn! Rich doesn't believe I have an older brother now, so he betted me ten bucks if we show up early!"

Evan rolled his eyes but smiled and grabbed his backpack.

"Do we t-take the bus or walk instead?" He asked. Jeremy thought for a moment.


"Not an exercise k-kinda of p-person?"

"If we walk then when we arrive we're gonna literally reek."

"I guess then."

Jeremy and Evan made their way to the bus. The younger was listening to music on his phone, while then older nervously thought about Connor.

Before they knew it, they arrived at school. Jeremy took Evan's hand and dragged him to someone's locker.

A few minutes of waiting, and a short tattooed junior showed up. He looked at Evan and squinted.

"You sure this isn't some sort of guy you liked...bribed? For porn or some shit?" He asked.

"No! I'm h-his older step-brother!" Evan protested.

"Rich, be more chill," Jeremy said, protectively. Rich gave Evan a weird look.

"Aren't you that guy who tried to commit suicide for attention?"

Evan stiffened. Right, people knew about his attempt. But not about why he did it. Who even spread the rumor? Jared, Alana and Zoe were too nice. Connor was his boyfriend, so why would he?

"What?!" Jeremy screeched. "You tried to off yourself?! When was this?!"

Evan laughed awkwardly. " two w-weeks ago? Before we m-met?"

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at him. "For attention?" Rich watched the whole scene, amused.

Evan frantically shook his head. "No! I don't e-even like attention! I don't know who told e-everyone, but someone did! I swear, H-Heereshey, I didn't do it for a-attention," he promised.

"Hm, if you say so," Rich said, shrugging. "Maybe I can get Jenna to help with that or something. Here's your ten, now shoo." He handed Jeremy a ten dollar bill.

Jeremy and Evan traded goodbyes and walked to their lockers. Jared was already waiting at Evan's.

"Hey Hansen. Why so late?" He asked. Evan sighed.

"Jeremy needed m-me to win a bet. He got his ten, by the way," he added. Jared looked at him nervously.

"And...are you okay with Connor?" He asked softly. Evan looked down and shook his head.

"I it's all m-my fault. And I blame it all on myself. Like if I just let h-him explain, none of this would've happened. Oh, he's alive, just in a c-coma."

Jared nodded slowly. "Alright Hansen, let's get to class, we can go visit your boyfriend later."

~Time Skip To After School!~

"Hey Acorn!"

Evan spun his head around to find Jared running up to him. "Come on, dude, let's go see your Emo boy."

Evan blushed as they hopping into Jared's SUV. The browned haired boy played rock songs the whole ride.

"Never thought y-you'd be the type to listen to rock," Evan said. Jared shrugged.

"Don't judge a bath bomb flavor by its color."

"Jared, what t-the fern?"

"Shut uppp."

The two eventually arrived. Evan, still remembering Connor's room number, sped walked down the hall.

Jared followed, not saying anything. It was all silent, which was weird for Jared.

Evan slowly pushed open the door, peeking inside. Connor was just the same as yesterday, pale and breathing shallow breaths.

"Holy shit.."Jared muttered as he stared at Connor's body. "That boy is in for it when he wakes up."

Evan sat on the sat on chair he pulled out last time while Jared sat on the little couch in the corner.

"Have they told you anything yet?" Jared asked. Evan shook his head. "How come?"

"I didn't ask. A-and I only visited him yesterday for like fifteen minutes b-before I had to go."

"I'm gonna go ask a doctor about him. I'll leave you alone for a bit."


Jared gave him one last concerned glance before turning away and headed to the door, closing it behind him.

"Hey, Con," Evan said, looking down at his boyfriend. "I uh don't know i-if you can hear me, and I'm pretty s-sure Jared is recording this right now, b-but I really hope you get better."

Evan sighed, resting his head on his arm. "Things have b-been crazy, and it sucks that we can't talk. But, I can't s-stop thinking about what you did. I always feel like it was my f-fault."

He cleared his throat, choking back sobs. "I read your letter. I'm so sorry I d-didn't let you explain. I'm a such a birch. I love y-you, too."

Evan kissed the top of Connor's head. "Stay alive, my Emo boy. And don't leave me a-alone."

Jared then knocked on the door. Evan wipes away a tear and called, "Come in, Jare."

Jared walked in sheepishly, Heidi, Paul, Jeremy, Alana, Zoe and Cynthia followed. Evan looked at Jared and he smiled.

"Can't we all visit the Edge Lord?" Zoe asked, fake offense in her voice.

"Let me think about it..." Evan paused. "Nah. He's m-my boyfriend. I claimed him, he's m-my Edge Lord now."

Zoe laughed and Alana shook her head. Jared went over and kissed her cheek.

Zoe's expression broke for a split second before turning back to normal. She walked over to Connor, staring at him.

Heidi and Paul were having some sort of parent conversation with Cynthia. Jeremy was talking with Jared and Alana.

Zoe and Evan were the only ones sitting next to Connor.

Okay, every once in a while, someone would glance over at Connor, but that's pretty much it.

His arm twitch. Evan yelped while Zoe sucked in a breath, holding it in.

Everyone turned to look at them, concerned and curious. After about a minute with no other reaction or movement from Connor, Evan and Zoe sighed.

"His hand twitched," Zoe explained, plopping deflated into her chair. "We thought he was gonna wake up."

Evan nodded in agreement as everyone made an 'oh' sound.

Looking back at Connor, Evan cursed under his breath for making him get his hopes up.

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