Chapter Six: A Day in The Hospital

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Connor's POV

Evan left, due to a shift at Starbucks. Connor felt a piece of his heart leave, too. He watched sadly as Evan waved goodbye and left the room. Zoe sat next to him on his bed.

"He's been here everyday," she said. "After school until his shift or when closing hours closed."

Connor looked at her in amazement. He grabbed  his cup of water and took a sip. "Really? Why?"

His sister rolled her eyes. "Because he's your fucking boyfriend. Duh."

Larry put a hand on Connor's shoulder, making him flinch. "Son, we just wanted to say that...we're sorry," he apologized.

Connor nearly spat out his drink. His eyes widened and he stopped himself by covering his mouth, but it that didn't stop him from choking.

He coughed violently as Zoe smacked her face and roughly patted his back.

Larry had taken his hand off by surprise, looking at his wife in worry. Connor soon calmed his shit and looked at his parents in confusion and surprise.

"You're-you're WHAT?!" He exclaimed. Zoe sighed, exasperated. Cynthia did the same.

"We're sorry, my sunshine," she said. "We're sorry for all the things we could've done but didn't. We're sorry we treated you so badly."

Connor hummed in response, nodding slowly. A moment of silence later, Zoe asked, "that's over right? Nothing else you gotta say?"

Their parents nodded. Zoe stared at Connor for a two seconds before slapping her brother.

The brunette yelped in surprise and help his cheek, glaring at his sister. "What the fuck, Zoe?"

Zoe growled lowly. "What the fuck were you thinking?!" She grabbed his shoulders. "You've been flatlining so many times and I've been spending all the time I could here! You scare me and Evan so many fucking times! You stirring or just moving a bit made us both mentally DIE!"

Connor grabbed his sister's arms. "Calm the fuck down, Zo. I swear, if you keep doing that, I will finish the milk again."

Zoe immediately took her hands off his shoulders. She checked her phone. "Aww, shit! Visiting hours are over in ten minutes."

Connor mentally groaned. Finally, some family time since for forever, and they had to leave. How long had they been together? Fifteen minutes?

"Screw them. Why do visiting hours close at six?" Zoe grumbled as she stood up from the bed.

"We'll come visit you tomorrow," Cynthia said. She kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

With nothing better to do, Connor fell into a deep slumber.

~Time Skip!~

Who the hell lifted the blinds?

That was his first thought when Connor woke up. Sunlight had attacked him instantly. He groaned, rolled over so that his back was facing the window.

A nurse walked in, holding a clipboard. "Alright Connor, we're going to do a few tests on you to make sure you're okay," she explained.

Today is off to a great start.


He felt numb. Numb all over. Also, he was high as fuck.

The doctors had given him some sort of medication and shots. Now he was higher than the moon.

"Connor?" A timid voice called. Evan opened the door. "Uh, how are you f-feeling?"

"Like the Cookie Monster if he was a fucking turtle," he slurred. Evan raised and eyebrow.

"Connor are y-you okay?" He asked, a bit concerned.

"No I'm Connor."

"I know that?"

"Cool, and I know what the square root of nine is."

Evan went to sit next to his boyfriend. "Seriously, a-are you okay?" He intertwined their hands.

Connor felt his heart soar. "Why wouldn't I be? I feel great!" He exclaimed.

"Are you s-sure? Because, uh, I think-"

Connor fell asleep.

~Hight Connor has died~

"Corn nuts?" Connor croaked out, opening his eyes. Evan looked up from his book, took off his headphones and walked over to Connor's side.

"Sorry, love, I don't h-have corn nuts," he said. Connor groaned.

"My head hurts," He complained. "and I really want those corn nuts."

Evan laughed. "The medication probably d-did that," he said. Connor put a hand to his forehead, lifting his face up dramatically.

"But oh, how I will miss my corn nuts," he whispered with a straight face. Evan burst out laughing.

It felt good to hear Evan's laugh again, and knowing that Connor was the cause of it was even better.

Shit, I'm helpless.

"Evan?" He asked as the blonde boy calmed down. Evan hummed, signaling for him to continue.

"Boy you got me helpless~" the brunette sang. Evan looked at him with wide eyes, a blush forming.

"Look into you eyes and the sky the limit," he continued. "I'm helpless!"

Evan giggled and Connor felt his heart speed up. "Down for the count, and I'm drowning in 'em!"

Evan was now rolling on the ground, laughing so hard his eyes started watering.

"Stop! I can't t-take it anymore! Oh my g-god!"

Connor chuckled. "Hey, do you know when I can get out of here?"

Evan curled up in Connor's lap, snuggling into his chest. The brunette felt heat rush to his face.

"They said m-maybe next week?" Evan mumbled. Connor hummed and nodded, stroking his boyfriend's hair.

"You're adorable," He said. Evan giggled.

"You're an idiot."

"I'm your idiot, baby."


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