Chapter Sixteen: Oh Fun, More Death

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Evan's POV

Evan shivered as the January breeze brushed past him. Pulling Connor's jacket closer, he entered the school.

The first he noticed were kids dressed in black. They didn't look devastated, but not happy. Is gloomy the right word?

The whole aura was depressing. Basically sad, sad, sad, and sad.

Evan was one curious kid. Once, he thought he saw a lizard in his front yard when he was little. He had scanned the bushes, looking for it. He had found it. But, turns out it was a snake, and Evan ran inside his house when it lunged forward. Let's just say, he was shaking and crying when Heidi had arrived home.

Evan was still curious. So, he checked the school posters for anything new. The school blog. Listening in to a few conversations.

"Michael!" Evan called. The Filipino boy was looking extra, er, gloomy.

He spun around, giving the older boy a questioning look.

"What's g-going on?" Asked Evan. He had done everything to try and find out, resorting to this thing called 'socializing' last.

"Heather's dead," He deadpanned. Evan fumbled out a jumble of words. The first thing he thought of was the Heather he worked with a Starbucks.

"Heather Chandler committed suicide yesterday. The school posted it on Facebook," he explained. Evan made an 'oh' expression before thanking his friend and rushing to his locker before the bell rang.

Evan doesn't know much about Heather Chandler, but he knew she was kinda like Regina George from Mean Girls.

So, apparently she's dead. But it was also apparently suicide. So, with a murder running around, they think it's suicide and not murd-

Evan smacked his head. He completely forgot about suicide notes. Heather probably had one.

He burried his face in the jacket. At least he was wearing black, considering how that's the only thing Connor ever wears.

"I don't think we're going to have classes today," Zoe said, popping up out of nowhere with Alana.

Evan yelped, slamming his locker closed and whipping his head around. He relaxed when he noticed it was just his friends.

"Yeah, I mean, come on, continuing classes when one of the most popular and brattiest person in school committed suicide," Alana joined in.

"And probably hottest," Zoe muttered under her breath.

"Uh, yeah w-well, we all didn't expect Heather to be so, uh, d-depressed?" He mumbled he last part, not knowing how to end his comment.

"Never thought she even had feelings," Jared said as he also appeared out of nowhere. Evan jumped again, almost falling down when he stepped on his shoelace. Jared glanced at him. "I thought you were doing a bit better with your anxiety when you got with Connor?"

Evan soon began rambling about things at the speed of Daveed Diggs's rapping.

"Yeah no but it was because you guys were popping out of nowhere and I didn't know that you guys were there and it startled me and isn't that just a normal reaction when someone suddenly magically poofs into existence and I'm rambling aren't I oh god I am so sorry I'm rambling it's just that my anxiety and it makes me ramble because I get nervous and sweaty and I-"

Evan didn't realized he was running out of breath before he started coughed violently.

Alana gave him pats on the back while Zoe gave him a concerned look. Jared just started saying, "Stop choking on Connor's dick, Evan," over and over again.

It did not help at all. In fact, it made it worse.

Soon, the bell rang. Evan had soon calmed down, taking deep breathes. He looked around, searching in the sea of students for his boyfriend. No where to be seen. He missed him. Okay, they talked over the phone literally nine hours ago, but let him be, okay?

"Connor wouldn't wake up," Zoe said, as if reading Evan's mind. The blonde boy's eyes widened for a split second. Zoe sighed.

"Not as in he's dead. He was tired. So I left without him-don't give me that face. I gave him a warning and he told me to fuck myself gently with a chainsaw."

"Kinky," Jared commented.

Alana opened her mouth to speak, but their principal had started announcing things on the loudspeaker.

"As you all may know, Heather Chandler committed suicide yesterday. She is not your everyday suicide. You kids go home before lunch. Long weekend for everybody!"

Evan heard everyone cheer. He felt arms wrap around him. Looking up, he saw Connor place his chin on Evan's head.

He sighed and leaned into the touch.

"Suicide, huh?" He muttered. "Next thing you know, the school will be blowing up or a supercomputer will take over the school because a dude was being an asshole."

"That's oddly specific," Evan pointed out.

"I have imagination, fight me," Connor said, sounding half asleep.

"Gayyyyyy!" Someone shouted at them.

Connor closed his eyes and looked over to them. It was a short boy with a red streak in his hair. Evan recognized him as Rich.

Jeremy was standing with him and punched his arm.

Connor kissed Evan's head.

"There's so many people dying," the shorter boy murmured. "With that murderer, and then Heather..."

"You'll be okay," The brunette reassured.

No I won't.

"Yeah," he simply said.

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