Epilogue 2

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Yes I forgot I had the responsibility to update this.

Third Person POV

Evan liked baking. He loved baking. He loved baking alone. Actually, he's only ever baked alone. His mom was too busy at work to spend time with him, and his friends never had the patience,(Well, Alana just seemed to mess it up somehow ever single time) and they ate the batter in the matter of two seconds. So he liked it alone.

Well, Evan thought kids would be better.

"That's way too much chocolate! Where did you even get extra? I even poured the amount in a bowl-CONNOR WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TAKING THE WHOLE BAG-wAIT no stop you're gonna spill the-CONNOR GET BACK HERE YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE-HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU SPILT THE-...okay okay okay, deep breaths before someone dies. Don't kill anyone, Evan."

Connor liked tormenting Evan while he was baking, but he knew where the line was, and tried to not step a millimeter over it. Many, many times, he almost lost his head. Literally.

Although, he thought, with the addition of their first kid adding to the chaos, Evan was most likely to blow up and murder everyone in the whole neighborhood before calming down.

"Miguel fucking Murphy-Hansen, sit your fucking frog infested yellow ass down before I kill someone," Evan growled, turning to Connor when his son had sat down on the floor obediently. Connor shuddered with fear at the cold glare.

Evan stepped angrily towards him, practically twitching for a machete. He rarely showed anger, and Connor knew he needed to run for his life.

But damn Evan looked fucking hot like that.

Evan was dangerously close to Connor now. The brunette bit his lip and looked to the side, looking for a distraction to avoid death. He felt Evan's angry hot breath and almost melt of gayness.

"Fuck," he muttered. He pulled Evan forward, earning a surprised yelp, and shoved his lips against the other. Evan took a second, before melting into the kiss. A minute or two past.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadssss," Miguel whined. "Please stwop being so gwoss and make me the COOKIES!"

Evan held his lips against Connor's for a bit longer, before pulling back, all anger gone. He walked towards his son, lifting his tiny six year old self up by the arm tips and setting him on the counters.

"How about you go play with papa?" He suggested. "I'll make your cookies."

Miguel, not wasting a second, jumped down and ran toward his papa. Not even a second later, Evan heard a loud crash, followed by silence.

"We're okay!"

He rolled his eyes, taking out a new bowl. There was another crash.

~Time Skip~

"Do you need help with that?"


"Are you sure?"


Evan sipped his tea as Connor glanced down nervously. Miguel has somehow managed to stack only Satan knows how many ice cream scoops on top of the bottom of his cookie. It was around a foot tall. The six year old was standing on his chair, sticking his tongue in concentration as he gently set another scoop on the pile.

"How the hell is he even supposed to eat that?" Connor murmured. Evan shrugged.

"He's a kid," he pointed out. "He'd find a way."

Miguel was rather short for his age. He stood a head shorter than Alana and Jared's five year old. Due to his short height, and his refusal for help, his stack of ice cream couldn't go too tall. Finally, he allowed his dad to place the second cookie on top, created an ice cream sandwich.

Kids had magic, Connor was sure, because there he sat, watching as Miguel ate the last bit of his sandwich.

"Taste good?" He asked. Miguel hummed a quick yes.

"Okay, off you go," Evan stood up. "First day of school tomorrow, kid."

"With Auntie Zoe?" He asked.

"With Auntie Zoe," Connor rolled his eyes. Miguel absolutely loved Zoe, for whatever weird reason.

"Off to bed now," Miguel ran up the stairs and into his room. 

"Why the fuck does he love Zoe so much?" He asked, helping Evan clean up.

Evan shrugged. "Well, she did buy him that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stuffed animal set, when you refused. Guess that's why."

"Oh shut up!"

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