Chapter Four: Too Far?

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Short. Just about the one and only Miguel.

Miguel's POV

He was at the hospital.

And he might not ever wake up.

Miguel banged his head on his desk, a few tears falling.

The school had just sent an email to all the students that Connor has been in the hospital for the past week due to suicide.

Had he gone too far?

All he wanted was Connor. He wanted him. But Evan beat him to it.

But how? He'd known Connor longer. Evan has just met Connor for about two weeks or so back then.

And yet, somehow, Connor loved Evan? Why do so many things just not make sense?

Thinking back, Miguel cringed at the thought of what he had done. Connor was an idiot, so of course he would do something like that.

And, spreading that rumor about Evan was not cool.

Nor was beating him up for the past months.

...or threatening him.

Jenna Rolan has also been spreading a better rumor:

Evan wasn't trying to commit suicide for attention, Miguel just hated him for no apparent reason. He was mistaken was and depressed with anxiety.

Kids at school gave him a few dirty looks. But Miguel considered it a punishment. He deserved it.

Was it too late to turn back?

To apologize?

And there might even be a slight sliver of chance Miguel could be with Connor.

Even for a day, that would be enough.

Too little, too late.

It repeated itself in Miguel's head. Though, it was not wrong. An apology was too little. And it was too late for it.

He had gone too far.

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