Chapter Eighteen: Rain

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I cried while I was writing this.

Connor's POV

Evan has been ignoring Connor.

Or, maybe not...

But maybe he is.

Actually, he didn't know anything anymore. Evan would sometimes walk past Connor in the hallways, not even looked up when he called his name. More days this happening then less. He would also-right after class-walk straight home.

Zoe, Jared, Alana, Michael, and Jeremy were all concerned. They all suspected something was wrong.

Connor stared at the rain falling an splashing onto his window.






He close his eyes, trying to clear his mind a bit. He liked the rain, calm and soothing.








Then that voice came back.

It was definitely something you did.

Why else would he be ignoring you?

He hates you.

He doesn't love you, never has.

It's all your fault.

You're the monster of this story.

Connor shook his head, as if the voice would flake away. But it continued.

Your fault.

Your fault.

Your fault.

Your fault.

He took out a book, flipping to the first page.

Reading always cleared his mind up.

But not today, he didn't clear his mind at all.

He pulled out his sketchbook and started drawing a flower.

He took up two hours. The rain still fell, not looking like it would stop anytime soon.

A knock came to his door.

He barked out a 'what' at it. Zoe shuffled inside. She plopped down onto him.

"Give me emotional support," she simply said.

"M'kay," he responded, slamming his sketchbook close. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"So, what kind of girl drama today?" he asked. He stroke his sister's blonde hair, which she apparently put indigo streaks in. Again.

"Veronicaaa," she said. "Ignorrrrring. Meeeee."

"That weird slushy dude?"


"Ah, I see. Go get your girl then."

"Connor what the fuck."

"What I mean is-"

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